Chapter 27 - Angry

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The next morning, I woke up in bed with Cato and immediately stood up to get away from him. I did what I needed to do last night to make sure that he was okay, but now that the night was finally over, he didn't need me anymore.

I was still fuming at the fact that I couldn't go home. The whole point of going to the Games and winning was so that I could leave the Capitol, never to return other than to mentor whichever children were next to be reaped in the Games. I wanted to stay with Cato, but not under the rules that the Capitol gave.

I went into the bathroom to wash up so that I could get breakfast. Since Cato and I slept for about twenty-eight or so hours, I hadn't showered or brushed my teeth the entire time.

After washing up, I crept out of the room and into the dining area, which was completely vacated. Not a single soul was in the room, but there was fresh food laid out for anyone to eat.

I took my seat, happily digging in to the vast amount of breakfast food set out for us by the gracious chefs in the kitchen. I felt like I hadn't eaten in a lifetime.

After starting my second plate of food, Cato entered the dining room. He walked over to me and placed a kiss on my cheek, which I wiped off angrily. I knew that I was acting like a child, but I was just so upset.

Cato frowned and sat down next to me. "Are you really still angry with me?" he asked as he piled his plate with ham, eggs, bacon.. the list is endless. How much could this guy actually eat? He made two plates for himself.

I ignored his comment, furiously stabbing my food with a fork.

Cato stares at me with his mouth open and shakes his head. "So, now you're not going to talk to me?"

I roll my eyes and stare back at him. "No, Cato."

"Why not?"

"I'm still mad. Why can't I go home?"

"Okay, first, don't fucking roll your eyes at me. You know I hate that," he states, drizzling syrup over all of his food.

I roll my eyes again and watch as his jaw contracts.

"Second, I though you had gotten over that crap since you came to bed with me," he continues.

I shake my head. "I just didn't want you to suffer through nightmares," I mumble, propping my head up on my hand.

"And third, you didn't even give me the chance to explain. You just lashed out on me and left," Cato finished, shoving a whole pancake into his mouth. Jeez, he can eat.

I sighed and placed my fork down. "Okay then. Explain to me why I can't go home."

Cato wiped his mouth and placed his hands on his knees, watching my angry glare. "You can visit home, but you can't stay."

I frowned. "Why not?"

"Because the Capitol wants to monitor us, to make sure that we didn't fool them into letting the both of us live," he says.

Okay, so that makes some sense. I would be suspicious about me and Cato as well. Why didn't he say that yesterday?

Maybe it was because I stomped off before he got the chance..

"Well, why can't they monitor us from home?" I ask, continuing to eat my breakfast.

Cato gulps down a glass of milk and pours another. "Because we wouldn't be together. I know you wouldn't want to go home to Two with me and I don't want to go to Twelve with you, so the only place that we can be together and watched at the same time is here."

I sigh but nod my head. This whole thing was strategically planned out, all the way to our living situation.

"So when can I see my family?" I ask.

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