Chapter 61 - Here

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It's about five hours into labor. I've gone from the contractions being fifteen minutes apart to now five minutes apart. Dr. Brooklyn says that I'm about six centimeters dilated, but I can't start pushing until I'm seven centimeters in. She says that it could be another hour, or another five hours. It all depends on when the baby is ready to pop out. I'm trying to be patient and listen to my body, but it's hard to do with all the aching.

Cato still isn't here. He's controlling the Games. I've been watching since I was officially admitted into the hospital. The doctors insisted that I not watch it since it can put stress on me and the baby, but I just had to watch because I had to know how my tributes were doing.

Elliot was killed just an hour ago by a Career, incidentally, from District 2. Jasmine killed the guy and got away, but now she's all alone. There's only ten tributes left. I wailed like a baby once the cannon sounded for Elliot. The agony seeped through my heart when the hovercraft picked him up. I knew one of them was bound to die, but I didn't expect it to hurt so much. My heart beat so out of control that my mother had to call in doctors and I had to have the Games shut off until I was calm once again.

Being in labor is much harder than I thought it would be, but it's also easier. I didn't expect the contractions to be so bad, but I also didn't expect that everything was calm in between them. Once they pass, there's an odd peaceful moment where I'm just happy that it's over, and then I'm just overwhelmed with fatigue. I'm not allowed to eat, either, only being allowed to chew on ice cubes when the pain becomes too much. I was offered some medicine to soothe the pain, but I declined. I wanted a natural birth, much like the ones in District 12 where we don't have all of this fancy stuff. Plus, if I decline the medicine, they have no reason to keep me for more than twenty-four hours after the birth.

We've tried time and time again to get in contact with Cato, but with Seneca holding his phone, we've been unsuccessful. I'm becoming more and more afraid with every passing minute that he won't be here. It hurts me, but I know that it would hurt him even more. Cato's been more than excited for her to come into the world, and if he misses it, he just might kill Seneca.

Mom has been acting as him, standing by my side through it all. One by one, my friends would come in, giving encouraging words, which I appreciate so much. It's nice to know there are people by my side.

I just wish that one of them was my baby's daddy.

I'm consumed by more pain as another contraction slides through my abdomen, taking over. This little girl really wants to get out.

Mom stands abruptly and holds my hand tight, basically letting me break her bones to ride out the pain. I moan loudly, clenching my teeth with my eyes screwed shut. Mom pats my hair soothingly, but it doesn't help. I just want this to be all over. I want to meet my daughter, take her home and sleep the year away.

"It's okay, baby. Just let her guide you through," Mother whispers through my groans.

"I'm trying," I let out, trying to control my breathing. "She's the worst leader right now."

Mom laughs, and it makes me smile. The contraction slowly lets go of itself before it's finally gone.

I breathe leisurely, gratefully welcoming the calming seconds after. Mother hands me some more ice cubes.

"I bet you're regretting ever creating her right now, huh?" Mom laughs as she assesses my pain.

I try to laugh but it comes out as staggered breathing. "Oh yea, I am."

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