Chapter 29 - Sleep

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After talking some sense into both Katniss and Cato, I was finally able to have a peaceful visit home. Mother and Katniss sat with me and Cato and we talked about everything, from the past, to the present, and even the future. It was nice having all of the people I loved in one place.

I did have to tell them that I wouldn't be staying, and that this was just a short trip before I would have to be back at my new 'home'. Mother cried a little and Katniss remained silent, trying not to break down again. I was upset that I couldn't stay home.. I would miss the real home-cooked meals, all the peaceful moments, and all the fun I would have with my schoolmates. But, as I thought about it more, I realized that I would rather be with Cato anywhere than nowhere at all. I already knew what it was like being without him for only two days.. imagine what I would be like for more than a week?

Sadly, I had to bid my family goodbye the following night and get back onto the train en route to District 2, where I would be meeting Cato's mother and his brother Charlie. I was excited, of course, but I was also so nervous to meet them. His family sounded so sweet, but what if his mother didn't like me and his brother didn't either? And what if he left because of it? Cato loves his family, so he would probably do anything to keep them around, even get rid of me.

The goodbyes were pretty emotional because we all knew that it would be a long time before I would ever see them again. I was hoping that my next approved visit would be soon.

Leaving so soon and being on the train toward District 2 stressed me out more than I thought it would, so I could barely sleep. Cato scolded me for not wanting to sleep and forced me to rest, but it's not working. I just couldn't sleep, especially not with him here. He had decided that he would go watch some television for a while. So, he was there, and here I was, unable to sleep soundly.

Maybe it was the fact that I was afraid to be alone because when I closed my eyes, the Games came running back. When I killed that guy at the bloodbath, killing the guy from Four, or even being attacked.. when my eyes closed, I saw Peeta the most.

After trying to go to sleep for an hour, I had managed to finally sleep, but as soon as that happened, the nightmares started. They were of everything that happened in the Games at once, but everything individually at the same time. I jolted awake after getting stabbed in the gut by Peeta and found that my eyes were filled with tears. I hadn't expected these to come back. The last one I had was the second day I had been without Cato after the Games. But those weren't about the Games, they were about losing Cato. After that, I haven't had disrupted sleep until now.

I didn't want to bother Cato with this because he may get upset over it including Peeta, but once I realized I couldn't stop crying, I had to find him. I quickly walked out of the bedroom on the train toward the sitting room where Cato was watching television with a pair of glasses on.

Since when does he wear glasses?

There's a lot I don't know about him.

Cato moved but didn't look up from what he was watching when he heard me walk into the room. "I thought you were supposed to be sleeping, baby," he commented.

"I can't fall asleep," I cried.

Cato's head snapped up and he surveyed my face, most likely counting every tear. He reached his arm to me and motioned for me to come forward. I walked toward him and took his hand, moving to sit down on his lap where he cradled me.

"What's wrong, Kitten? Why are you crying?" he asked, picking up a remote to pause whatever it was he was watching.

I shrug, not really knowing where to start. "The nightmares are coming back," I told him, latching onto him with my arms. He used his thumb to wipe the tears under my eyes.

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