Chapter 30 - Mum

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The blue of the ocean was the same color as Rose's eyes. If I wasn't so mesmerized by the wonder in her eyes as she stared at the water stretching to the horizon, I probably would have passed my home completely.

Everything was exactly the way that it was when I left, but it seemed like it had been ages since I returned. Today was Sunday, so everyone was off of work and at home spending time with their families. Sundays were my favorite days since I would dedicate the entire day to Charlie. He was always so excited to tell anybody about what he learned, but since I trained everyday, he would have to bottle up all his stories and tell me about them as soon as I woke up on Sunday mornings.

We passed the ten or so cottages before I finally saw mine in view. It was still the same.. Smoke rising from the chimney, both windows open halfway, pink flowers posted all over the front lawn.

I felt my palms getting sweaty as we approached my home. I wasn't nervous, though. I just wanted to see Charlie. He was the only happiness I had in this shitty world. He was never a sad kid; no matter what happened, he would always have a smile on his face and made sure I had one as well. And although I do have Rose to make me feel that way now, I don't think anyone can replace the feelings I get being with Charlie. I protect him and teach him everything, and in return, he gives me happiness.

I know that sounded so fucking pansy, but that's my family so I really don't give a shit.

I lead Rose up the pathway to the front door. Rose tugged lightly on my hand and stared up at me with that innocent twinkle in her eyes, the one that makes me go fucking insane. "Is this it?" she whispers for no apparent reason.

"Yea," I answer simply, turning my attention back to my home.

Mum?" I called out as I twisted the door knob, hoping for an answer. I didn't hear any noises or smell any cooking, so I didn't know if anyone was here or not. "Charlie?"

"Why do you say 'mum'?" Rose asks, again in a whisper. Is she afraid of something? Because there is no reason to be whispering unless she didn't want to be caught.

I shrug, not really knowing what to say. I never really noticed the way I say that word. I think my father taught me to speak that way. "That's just the way I was taught," I explain.

"Oh." Rose nods and bites her lip, turning her attention back to surveying the place.

"Cato?" I heard Charlie call.

I let go of Rose and stood silently, waiting for Charlie to come barreling toward me from wherever he was hiding. I heard his footsteps around the area of the stairs and then he was throwing himself into my arms.

Shit.. this was real.

"Hey, bud!" My fucking goodness, I missed him so much. Charlie looked exactly the same.. Same messy blond hair rustled on top of his head and brown freckles invading his nose. Same twinkling sea-green eyes, and the same innocent, wide smile that no one can change.

"You missed so much while you were gone, Cato," Charlie said, staring up and me.

"Oh yeah?" I ask with a smile. "What did I miss? Did you finally get a girlfriend?" I joke, rustling his already tousled hair.

"Ew, no," he answered, pretending to be sick. I heard Rose chuckling near us.. I had almost forgotten that she was here.

"Well then.. What happened?"

"I got a really good grade on my reading homework! I got an A plus!" Charlie almost yelled.

"That's so great, Charl." Right before I left, I was trying to help him with his reading. My mother and I had learned that Charlie was dyslexic, so reading wasn't something he was too good at. He excelled in every subject except reading. I tried tutoring him in it, and he did a little better, but he didn't get A's. He only got C's.

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