Chapter 1

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Kai as a Cecaelia

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Kai as a Cecaelia


Ursula smirked as Ariel closed her eyes , signing the contract that would throw her into Ursula's possession . Ursula did her magic allowing a strange magical arm whisped into Ariels mouth and pull her voice out , Ariel held her throat in surprise watching her voice be dragged away from her . Ursula then gave Ariel legs and watched as her two sea creature friends rush her to the surface for air .

Ursula's joy was short lived as she considered the possibility of Ariel actually pulling it off . "Kai !" She called .

Moments later her son entered her chamber , his white hair softly dancing to the water and his purple eyes looking straight at his mother  "you called ?"he asked . Ursula frowned at her son " I need you to sabotage that fish girl's plan . " Kai glanced at the water bubble that revealed the red headed mermaid with legs attempt to stand but failing miserably .

" how do you want me to do that " Kai questioned . Ursula took her shell and enchanted it " this will help you , you can hypnotize anyone with this . Find your way into the castle and sabotage everything . I will make you human aswell "

Kai cringed at the thought , he didn't particularly like humans much less be around them but he understood how desperate his mother was for the Kings Triton so he agreed . His mother gave him the necklace and used the same spell to make him human , he used his mother's eels Flotsom and Jetsam to reach the surface at a faster pace . Unlike Ariel who was naked from the waist down , Kai was given pants , boots and a black  long-sleeved shirt with a open collar and baggy sleeves . He reached the shore and searched his surroundings , he could hear Ariel and her animal friends around the corner discussing how she will introduce herself to the prince without a voice .

Kai then heard the dog barking from the opposite direction , approaching with every bark . Once the dog turned the corner and saw Kai , it skid to a stop and gazed at Kai curiously and quietly.  Eric reached his dog to find Kai , at first he was confused " Um hello , sorry if he scared you "

Kai looked at the dog again then crouched extending his hand , Max approached him cautiously but once he sniffed him he suddenly got happy and began to lick Kai . Eric chuckled "he likes you " Kai smiled at the dog "he's not so bad himself "Kai then looked at Eric " actually I was hoping to work for you Prince Eric , perhaps as a personal guard ?"

Eric looked shocked "oh gee, I don't know . I mean I don't really need one " Kai gently caressed his mother's necklace triggering the hypnotic magic "I insist , I would be a loyal servant that will attend every meal and join you on every date you have with a girl "  Eric's eyes widened as the magic took effect " yes , that sounds good . I will go ahead and notify the staff of your new position "  Eric turned and walked back the castle with Max following him questionably. 

Kai then proceed to Ariel's location , he heard her friends panic from his approach and hid from sight . Ariel quickly sat on a rock and fixed her hair hoping to see Eric but when Kia turned the corner , her smile dropped replaced by confusion.  Kai then put up a perfect act " Can I help you ?"He questioned . Ariel attempted to explain herself but without her voice , she only looked like a lost child .

" I am Prince Eric's personal guard , I can't permit any strangers on castle grounds "  he took her shoulders and turned her around trying to chase her off but Max returned barking and running up to Ariel , must of picked up her scent . Kai quietly clicked his tongue from annoyance , he almost got Ariel off the castle shore without being spotted , Almost .

Eric came rushing after his dog once more to find Kai and Ariel , Eric immediately apologized " I'm so sorry miss if he scared you " he then looked at Kai " what's going on ?"

Ariel suddenly threw her hands up trying to explain who she was and why she was there but she only confused Eric "can't talk ?" Ariel looked down solemnly and shook her head . Eric decided that he couldn't leave such a young miss on the shores without proper clothing , he led her into the castle as Kai followed with an annoyed expression .

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