Chapter 13

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Kai approached Ariel as she was observing a painting of a mountain scenary , Kai couldn't help but smile when he saw her eye's study the image in wonder . Kai stood beside her , Ariel turned her head when she noticed him beside her .

Kai met her gaze and extended his hand to her " Ariel...I was wondering if you'd like to go for a short walk with me , on the beach "

Ariel gently placed her hand in his " sure , why all of a sudden ?"

Kai shook his head and led Ariel to the beach , when they began their slow stroll , Kai began " Ariel...would you be willing to live in this castle...with me my bride ?"

Ariel stopped and looked at him with surprise " are you..."

Kai smiled and bent down on one knee holding a ring box " Eric helped me design it " , he opened the box to reveal a beautiful sapphire gem with  two small clam , crab and fish designs on either side of the saphire . Ariel gasped and covered her mouth " it's beautiful "

" so what do you say..want to be my wife ? " Kai asked softly , waiting for her answer patiently.  Ariel blushed " yes I do..."

Kai slid the ring up her finger and stood,  the two shared a sweet kiss before Ariel quickly asked " asked if I wanted to live in that castle .." she gestured to Eric's castle .

He nodded with a smile " yes , I made a deal with your father . If you want to , we can live as humans for a while . I've already arranged a paying career and a place to live . Its your choice Ariel . Ill be in support ."

Ariel's eyes widened " you arranged all that ...for me ?"

" I want you to be happy Ariel "

" I am happy " Ariel embraced Kai tightly and said " yes...I want to stay a human ...and marry you as a human ."

Kai and Ariel decided not to get married right away but spend two years engaged , and the couple managed to stay on that path for nearly 22 months but suddenly one day Ariel was beaming more that she ever did , she started making wedding plans as though it was a race .

Eric and Kai were in the study discussing some new trading routes when Drusilla knocked on the door , after Eric asked her to come in . She had a large book in her hands with a smile like she had caught Ariel's happy bug.  She passed the large book to me " Ariel asked me to give this to you on my way to my portrait sitting , she said its everything she likes and would like in your wedding "

I accepted the book with a surprised expression " I thought she only wanted to start planning next month ? Why the sudden rush ?"

Drusilla smirked but didnt say anthing and shrugged " I dont know...she has a buzz of energy this morning "

Eric smiled and leaned on his elbows , looking at Drusilla lovingly " I'll join you for the portrait soon , I just want to finish these up quick "

Drusilla nodded " Dont worry , Arnett knows and will probably start with me first . See you soon " She winked and walked out the study . Eric looked to Kai then the large binder before chuckling " Ill leave all that to you...take a seat , it looks like its heavy "

Kai chuckled and sat down flipping through the binder , most of the stuff Ariel wanted in the wedding were things Kai could guess about but what surprised him is that she changed the design for her dress , Eric noticed Kai's face change into surprise and questioned him about it . " whats wrong ?"

Kai shrugged " Ariel always told me that she'd want a nice corset with her dress but I see that she's changed the design , she market the design to have soft and almost breathable fabric around her waist area . Does she not like crosets anymore ?"

Eric seemed to realise why Ariel was so excited and why she had changed her dressed design.  He closed his paper work " do Cecaelia have children ?"

" lay eggs...why ?" Kai asked with a raised eyebrow , Eric chuckled " well...humans carrying their children in their belly's like ...dolphins , normally one at a time but sometimes two or three ...just like dolphins , the mother carries the unborn child until its ready you get what I'm saying here ?"

Kai's eyes widened " you mean...Ariel is with child ?"

Eric smiled at his friend " with your child...yes my friend "

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