Chapter 8

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After defeating Ursula , Kai and Eric made their way to the shore . Eric had Kai's arm draped over his shoulders for support as they made it to the beach , they both collapsed exhausted from the events last night . Eric smiled at the panting Kai " you know ...your a good guy " . Kai looked at Eric " you too "

Ursula's magic was undone , as King Triton and all Ursula's 'pets' were turned back into their normal selves , Eric's eyes widened and he sat up watching Kai's body suddenly glow and change back into his normal form , a Cecaelia body . Eric's eyes trailed the black tentacles " you weren't kidding ..."  Kai felt rejuvenated as he sat up and looked at himself "I suppose all her magic has come undone then ..."

Eric smiled "I hope I see you again , friend " . Kai returned the smile " me too . "  Kai then dived back into the water and swam in the direction of his home , he came across Flotsom and Jetsam who were waiting for him . He smiled and hugged them "thankyou guys " he looked back at the beach before turning around "let's go home " . Kai swam with his two friends back to their home .

Meanwhile Ariel  and Drusilla were sitting on the rocks in front of the beach , they watched as Eric and Kai spoke and they witnessed Kai's transformation , they watched with mixed feelings as he plunged back into the water . Ariel looked at Drusilla who was still watching Eric , she smiled at Drusilla " you really love him ..don't you ?"

Drusilla nodded "I was just supposed to distract him , I didn't think I'd actually fall in love with him ...but Ariel , don't you love him ?"

Ariel looked at Eric and smiled , she then looked to the sea "I thought I did ...but now I know that it wasn't love ."

Drusilla placed her hand on Ariel's shoulder " are you okay ?" . Ariel took a deep breath " I am ..." Ariel looked back to see her dad , she smiled and nudged her head in Drusilla's direction . King Triton looked at Drusilla and saw her longing gaze on Eric , he immediately understood what Ariel meant . He humbly laid his Triden down onto the ocean surface as a bright glow made its way to Drusilla,  she looked down and gasped as her tail turned into legs and her body was engulfedin a beautiful dress . Drusilla looked up at the King and bowed her head and then she hugged Ariel with laughter .

Ariel smiled " go , before you have to run after him " Drusilla smiled and made her way to Eric , who immediately hugged her . She explained that she wasn't the one who saved him nor was she supposed to help him but she had fallen inlove with him . Eric responded with a sweet kiss , Ariel watched from the rocks with a bittersweet expression.  Sebastián crawled over to her " Ariel ..."  Ariel looked to Sebastián " its okay ...I just wanted something like that "

"Love ?"  Sebastián questioned . Ariel nodded , Sebastián sighed " well you are still young , you have plenty of time to find someone who will put you first " . Ariel was confused " what do you mean ?" . Sebastián chuckled " Ariel,  to love is to be selfless . You care for the person , you help that person get what they want even if you don't get what you want . Putting someone else's needed before your own "

" yeah , like Kai did " Flounder suddenly said making Sebastián and Ariel look at him confused.  Ariels eyes widened as she recalled the events from the previous three days , he was always making her smile and always helping her . When she needed to get to Eric , he was the one to help her . Ariel looked at Sebastián. 

Sebastián shook his head " no...Ariel..."  Ariel glanced back at her dad who gave a confused expression,  she quickly dived into the ocean without another word , swimming to Ursula's hideout . She held onto the hope that Kai was there .

Ariel reached the hideout and peaked her head in to see Kai , who was clearing all the magic ingredients.  He looked at Jetsam " I suppose all this is going to waste , but I don't know how to use these things anyways "  Flotsom swam around him to help pick up the ingredients and move them all into a very large chest , Ariel gripped the side of the wall tightly . Her nerves were shot , she wanted to go in but was afraid that Kai wouldn't want her there . Flotsom swam passed and noticed her , she hid when he saw her .

Flotsom swam up to her and smiled , nodding his head inside to indicate that Ariel should come in . Ariel glanced inside again watching Kai page through his moms books , his attention was fully on the books that he didn't notice Ariel swimming in . He turned around and closed the book but stopped in his tracks when he saw the red hair "Ariel? What are you doing here ? What about Eric ?"

Ariel held her hands as she swam closer " Drusilla will give him the love he deserves..."  . Kai's shoulders relaxed "..oh "

Ariel swam closer " Kai , I've been wondering. Do you love me ?" . Kai's head shot up as his eyes locked with hers " what ?"

Ariel now feeling more confident swam close enough that their bodies brushed against one another " Do you Love me ?" . Kai searched her eyes for any hidden intention " ..yes"

Ariel blushed as she played with a strand of his white hair " can...can I kiss you?" She questioned. Kai's hand rested on her cheek as he leaned in , placing his lips onto hers . Ariel returned the sweet kiss and wrapped her hands around his neck to deepen the kiss .

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