Chapter 3

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Kai patiently waited by the shore the next morning , soon a light glow shined beneath the water as a brunette girl walked out the water in rags . Kai stood up as the girl approached,  she introduced herself "I am Drusilla , I will be helping you with your task "

Kai crossed his arms "Drusilla ?what does my mother have over you ?" Drusilla looked down shamefully " a few months ago , I came to the sea witch --I mean your mother , for help . The man I loved was only interested in blonde girls "

Kai was flabbergasted " you made a dangerous deal that effects your life ...just to change for some guy ?"

Drusilla frowned " not some guy . I loved Jackson "

Kai smirked "oh yeah ? Where is Jackson now ?"

"Married ..."

Kai sighed "okay listen . My mother chose you because your voice resembles the voice of the princess . Find prince Eric and sing , when he confronts you , confess that you saved him and tell him your name . Gain his attention as much as possible today , get him infatuated with you "

Drusilla nodded "okay " she fixed her hair and clothing before making her way down the beach side , Kai watched her leave and went the opposite way to find Ariel who was picking up sand and letting it go slowly ,watching it blow in the wind . Dry sand must be a strange concept to her Kai thought , Kai didn't care about anything human and didn't seem phased by the human objects .

He cleared his throat to gain her attention,  her head slowly rised so that her eyes could meet his . " Ariel , there's some time before we head into town . Want to see something interesting?"

Ariel didn't know what Kai was talking about but the idea intrigued her as she nodded with a bright smile . Kai extended his hand to her as she accepted his help and was pulled up from the dirt , Ariel however didn't release his hand once she was balanced making Kai blush " ahem..sorry "he whispered quickly pulling his hand from hers .

He led her into the castle , passing so many corridors and rooms until they came across two large doors . Kai smiled and pushed the doors wide open revealing a rather large collection of books and statues , Kai discovered the room the night before while he was wondering around . He immediately knew that it would be a perfect distraction for Ariel and he guessed right , as soon as he opened the large doors , Ariels eyes widened as she let out a soundless gasp . Kai smirked "impressive isn't it ? I haven't seen such a collection before . I'm sure you would find all sorts of books here "

Ariel nodded in agreement as she entered the room , she studied the unique looking statues and paged through beautifully decorated books . One story she was admiring spoke to close to their situation,  as Kai read the title he immediately blushed " THE ROSE THRONE "  the book itself was a romantic tale of a princess whom was engaged to a wonderful prince but during a long unexpected journey,  the princess falls in love with the villain instead .

Kai blushed deeper  finally realizing that he was starting to fall for this princess , he quickly grabbed the book out her hands and shutting it " We should meet up with Eric now , it's getting late "

Ariel was confused by Kai's sudden movements but agreed with his statement and followed Kai outside where Eric waited with a four seat carriage and a beautiful brunette beside him holding onto his arm . Ariel immediately frowned , visibly confused . Eric smiled brightly " Ariel , Kai . This is Drusilla,  she's the girl I've been searching for !"

Kai looked at Ariel to see a sad , confused expression.  He felt his heart ache at her expression but he had to keep himself in check , not just for himself but for his mother's plans

Your World ( Ariel X Ursula's Son ) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن