Chapter 2

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While Ariel was being bathed by the castle servants , Kai followed Eric into the dinning room where Grimsby welcomed them . He eyes Kai suspiciously "are you the young man Eric mentioned ?"

Kai began to caress the necklace to activate the magic "Yes , don't you remember me dear old Grimsby ?I was Eric's childhood friend " Eric glanced at Kai with surprise "really ?" The magic hypnotized Grimsby into believing his claim . Grimsby smiled immediately "Oh Kai , I am terribly sorry . We haven't seen you in years ! You and Prince Eric were inseparable when you were children "Eric easily believed Grimsby " really ? wow then we need to catch up "

Back in the sea , Ursula stood around her magical underwater cauldron  watching her son utilized her magic . She chuckled and gleamed with pride " yes son , plant yourself into their memories . It'll be so much easier to sabotage the fish girl's plans if they believe that you are someone they can trust "

Grimsby cleared his throat and fully welcomed Kai as a childhood friend of Eric's and Eric's personal guard . " will you please join us "he motioned to the dinning table , Kai smiled "of course . thankyou " . The topic of the strange girl that Eric remembers came up , he stated that he would find her and marry her . Kai found this as a marvelous opportunity to divert his focus off Ariel . " do you recall how she looked ?"

Eric frowned " not really , I remembered beautiful blue eyes and a warm smile . The sun mostly blocked her out but I remember her lovely voice "  Kai tapped his lower lip with his index finger " so you will recognize her by her voice ?"  Eric nodded . Kai sighed and leaned back into the diner chair "well it's to bad that the girl we found can't even speak much less sing . I suppose she's not a candidate "

Grimsby chuckled "nonsense , a girl doesn't save your life , sing a song and then vanish " Eric frowned at Grimsby but was interrupted as Carlotta lead Ariel in . Now dressed appropriately for the human world , she walked into the light with a smile . Eric's eyes widened in surprise as did Grimsby " she is a vision " Eric cleared his throat " you look wonderful "  What the humans didn't notice was the ultimately shocked expression on the white hair boys face . He understood Ariel was a beautiful mermaid but seeing her all dressed up really shocked him . He quickly composed himself and looked out the window reminding himself that he was there to stop Eric from falling in love with her .

The four sat at the dinner table as they spoke , Ariel picked up a fork and began combining her hair with confidence.  Eric and Grimsby looked at her confused , Kai hid his face in his hands . All he could think was how embarrassing that must have felt , Grimsby then took out his smoking pipe and puffed abit , Ariel asked for it with gestures and Grimsby easily understood , passing the pipe to her . She smiled brightly and blew as hard as she could into the pipe , blowing all the ash out onto Grimsby.  Eric chuckled and quickly corrected himself however Kai snickered outloud , Grimsby gave him a unimpressed look while Ariel smiled at Kai . They then discussed showing Ariel the kingdom the next day in a carriage , Grimsby motioned to Kai " and of course , as Eric's personal guard,  you will be in attendance " . Kai smiled "of course Grimsby "

Kai realized that even with the magic of hypnosis,  he needed a real distraction for Eric . That night while Ariel watched Eric play with his pet Max , Kai made his way to the shore and called for his mother's pets , Flotsom and Jetsam approached as Kai crouched petting them . "Mother , I need a human girl candidate to distract the prince . Any mermaid that owes you a debt will work . But she must possess Ariels voice otherwise it won't work "

Jetsam and Flotsom looked at one another as Ursula spoke through them " fine , I will get you a girl . Return to this shore in the morning " Kai nodded and went to bed but during the night he tossed and turned , he couldn't sleep properly with such a soft bed . He decided to walk around the castle only to stumble across the same red head who shocked him earlier . She too , was walking around . He approached her " can't sleep ?"

Ariel shook her head , Kai sighed "I get it , bed is to soft . " Kai wanted to add ' and dry ' but he knew that would only make him suspicious.  Kai turned and walked but felt a hand grab his upper arm,  he froze in his tracks and glanced back to see Ariel motion for something . He felt annoyed that she couldn't even voice what she wanted but he stayed patient until he caught onto her gestures "oh ,  the bathroom is down the hall to the right "

Ariel smiled and quickly ran off to the bathroom , Kai sighed to himself and rubbed his temples . This was such a exhausting job

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