Chapter 16

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Kai stood outside to get some fresh air , as if on cue , both Ariel and Sebastián rushed to Kai from different directions with the same urgency and fear on their features . Kai's heart sinked and he began to feel anxious , Ariel quickly caught her breath " I can't find melody !"

Sebastián immediately spoke " Melody's gone ! " Kai's gaze moved to the large wall that stood between the castle and the ocean . Without a word  he made his way outside to the same place he usually saw Melody swim through when she snuck out and his  suspension was right , one of the steel bars was removed and never placed back .  Kai heard Ariel's footsteps in the beach behind him , his head turned and their eyes locked .

" She went to the sea ?" Ariel whispered almost unbelievable , Eric stepped out onto the patio after seeing his friends in a rush " what's wrong ?"

" Eric , we need to set sail immediately.  Melody is out there somewhere " Kai quickly gives Eric the short version of the current predicament. Eric wasted no time to arrange a search party on shore and a ship to sail . Melody's parents climbed aboard the ship and the entire royal navy searched for the 12 year old .

By the time the sun had risen the next day , there was still absolutely no sign of her . King Triton approached the ship and explained that his search has also come up empty  , the water stirred near him as he frowned . Two familiar figures came out the water that Kai recognized " Flotsam,  Jetsam  , anything ?"

The two shook their heads , the two did a extensive search on the more dangerous sides of the ocean on Kai's request but they too couldn't find her .  Eric sighed rubbing his neck as he approached them " no new's from the shore either . Ariel , Kai , I think you will have to search the water's yourselves "

Kai looked to Ariel " Eric has a point . We know Melody best , we might find some sort of clue to her wereabouts "

Ariel glanced at her dad , her dad nodded and rised his trident,  engulfing Ariel in a bright gold bubble as her body morphed and her large dressed changed into a green mermaid tail and her signature purple seashells . Kai was engulfed in a green bubble as his suit dissappeared and was replaced with black markings following down his torso and connected to his eight pitch black tentacles.  The two immediately dived into the sea once turned .

Kai looked at himself in awe , its been over 13 years since he was his true self with all his unique features . Ariel came into his view and he suddenly felt self conscious about his form , Ariel smiled softly and swam up to him cupping his cheek in a comforting manner . The two shared a sweet smile before both turning to face King Triton .

Kai watched Flotsam and Jetsam swim up to him and smiled at them " You two haven't changed "

" Let's go back to the palace and speak with the searching party " King Triton suggested,  Kai nodded " I will join you later  "

Ariel frowned " You're not coming?"

" Im going to my mom's place , maybe she had knowledge of Morgana's favorite places . If we know where she is then we can watch that area for any activity."

Triton frowned " you believe Morgana is involved?"

" Actually I have no idea , but since she threatened Melody , we can't just ignore her while Melody is out here somewhere without a clue that she was Morgana's target . "

Ariel seemed even more anxious now as realization hit her . Her 12 year old daughter,  who has no clue about the world around her , is lost possibly at sea while a sea witch has a vendetta against her . Kai quickly held his wife in his arms " we will find her and bring her home safely "

The two went their separate ways , Ariel and Triton went back to the palace and discussed the search efforts , meeting up with different people to hear any news on Melody , swiming about in the palace were they would unbeknownst just barely miss Melody stealing the Triden .

Kai along with Flotsam and Jetsam , went back to his old home , Ursula's home and search for her things . He rubbed his head in frustration as he realized that Morgana had ransacked everything that Ursula had on display . When he was about to leave , he remembered a special hiding place his mom had . When he found the hiding place , he came across ingredients, a few spell books and elxir tomes aswell as a detailed study on the palace , king trition and her own sister Morgana .

Kai read the details " a hideout in ice caverns ?" , his eye's followed the details of the elixir tomes " I think it's best I go check ...but not without some sort of fire power . "

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