Chapter 16 - The Mystery of the Museum

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That night, Totomaru and I decided to go back to the Museum so that we can keep an eye on it from within. We've walked through the streets and noticed that the road was deserted from any other people who were all in their homes to rest from the long day of work. Something strike me as odd considering how peaceful and cheerful the town was when we've arrived. You would think that a place that was under constant attack from thieves would have been more worried…

"Totomaru," I said.

"What is it Eve?"

"Did old man Nicholas told us when the last attack took place?" I asked.

Totomaru frowned to himself, thinking.

"I don't think he ever mentioned it," he said, "Why are you asking?"

"Just something that is bothering me," I told him.

We reached the Museum building and Totomaru suddenly came to a stop glancing back toward the way we came from. Confused, I looked back toward where he was looking at but there was no one there.

"What is it?" I asked.

Totomaru narrowed his eyes.

"I don't know," he said, "I just have a bad feeling today."

We both stepped inside the Museum entrance hall which was devoid of life and the only sound we could hear was the sound of our own footsteps.

"Where is the old man anyway?" Totomaru said as we made our way up the stairs, "He said he was going to wait for us at the…"

Suddenly a noise echoed from the hallway in front of us as a spear shoot toward us from down the hallway and Totomaru quick on his feet threw me down on the ground as the spear sailed inches above his form before stabbing straight into the wooden door below us.

"W…What was that?" I asked, shocked.

Totomaru had a serious look upon his face.

"I think our estimated guests are here," he said.

Then he sprung forward, and I followed after him adrenaline pumping through my body as I ran after the taller boy. It seems that the thieves are already inside the building, but how did they get into town so quickly considering night had fallen only an hour ago?

And where is Nicholas?

We've reached the room at the end of the hallway which was empty of life. Totomaru turned around himself and I did the same, searching every corner of the room for whoever had thrown that spear toward us but there was no one there safe for the many suits of armors that were upon their monuments around the room.

"T…There is no one here," Totomaru said, not keeping the shock out of his voice.

I was shocked too. I couldn't understand what was happening. Who threw that spear toward us? Where was the thieves that was supposed to be attacking this Museum every night? I can feel my heart thundering in my chest as I watched all around the room, not comprehending what was happening until I heard a creak of metal behind me.

It was hardly louder than a breath of wind, but I heard the sound…I know I did so I turned my attention toward where it had came from. Behind me, was a suit of armor, an old antic one from the look of it but I feel myself freezing seeing that the suit of armor was actually moving raising a large broad sword high above it's head…

What the fuck…

Then the blade came down and I simply moved on instinct pushing Totomaru's form away from the attack as the blade crashed down where we were standing just few seconds before.

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