Chapter 120 - Budding Love

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Chapter Cover: A red stoned pendant lying upon a bedside table with a picture of Erza and Eve smiling together.

The woman continued to hug me where I stood. I could smell the familiar perfume that she wore before she goes to work and also the smell of disinfectant upon her clothes. I could feel her trembling lightly, probably crying again that I was standing there in her arms. I cause a light guilt to run through me at this, at causing her such pain and suffering because of it.

Then, she stepped away, sniffing softly as her watering eyes stared at me, both of her hands taking hold of my cheeks.

"You're really here," she said, "You're back."

"Yes, I am here," I told her.

Miyu chuckled again giving Sakura, noticing that the pink haired girl couldn't hide the large grin she had upon her face. The woman turned her gaze toward me again and it was then she noticed someone standing behind me.

I followed her gaze toward Erza who had being standing there quietly, thought, the look on her face was soft, along with a little smile upon her lips as she was observing us.

"And who might you be?" Miyu asked her.

"I'm Erza Scarlet," the redhead introduced herself. She gave me a sideway glance before continuing, "I'm a friend of Eve."

Miyu took her into a hug causing the redhead to widen her eyes lightly at being hugged before she returned it. Then, Miyu stepped back giving her a small smile.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Scarlet," she said.

Erza gave her a light nod and Miyu turned her attention toward me.

"C'mon," she said, "I have to hear what happened that causes you to come back seven years late."

We followed Miyu into a living room. There was a fireplace light up, keeping the room warm with its orange light that bathed the walls as well as the furniture quite well. There was a soft red upon the walls. The chairs looked comfortable with some fur upon them, their color matching with the curtain that were by the window, showing the star filled sky outside.

The table was filled with papers and folders and there was also a pen lying upon the table along a cup, and from the soft scent, it was of coffee. The woman took a seat upon the chair she had previously left and Sakura threw herself down upon another one, leaving me and Erza to share the couch.

"What exactly happened back there?"

I started to tell them everything that happened. At how the trials happened and how we were attacked and survived a battle against Grimoire Heart, one of the strongest dark guilds out there thought they must have disbanded by now and then also the attack of Acnologia…I left out some parts after all, I wasn't going to tell them everything that had happened that single day.

When I was done, both Miyu and Sakura were shocked.

"A…an actual dragon," Miyu whispered.

I nodded.

"If it wasn't for the First Master, we would have all died that day," I told her, thinking back to Acnologia shooting down its breath attack down toward us.

"Then I am glad that your friendship with your friends were strong enough to create a magic barrier to protect you," Miyu said, shaking her head, "The things that happens to you Eve, and the things you get yourself into…it's completely insane."

I smirked softly.

"Well, being part of Fairy Tail is living everyday to its fullest as well as having crazy adventures."

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