Chapter Two: Look What You've Done

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Camden's POV:

I opened my eyes to see I was in Angie's bed, Angie was cuddling me. I looked over at Angie, who was still asleep. I turned to her, snuggling up to her. I found her arms comforting, and warm, I felt safe with Angie.

She comforted me yesterday when I had my breakdown. Not Bosco. Coco only yelled at me. I'm selfish, at least that's what Coco thinks. I'm not trying to be selfish, I don't wanna be selfish, but I don't know how to stop. No matter what I try, I just can't stop. I don't know why.

Angie wakes up soon after, kissing my forehead gently. I look up at Angie. She looks tired. I kept her up late last night because of my breakdown. I tugged on Angie's shirt, making her turn her attention to me. She smiled at me, brushing my hair behind my ear.

"Hey there, Cam Cam. You seem sleepy. Did you get enough rest last night?" Angie asks. I think that's a silly question. Of course not. I was up for so late. Angie didn't even find me until almost three. I shook my head at her, snuggling as close as I could to her.

"Come on, Cam, you need to eat something," Angie murmured, helping me stand up. I clung to her like a scared koala. She took me downstairs, and I saw Coco watching TV, laying on the couch, shoving chips into her mouth. I hide behind Angie, quivering.

I don't trust Coco very much right now. I don't like how she yelled at me. She knows how much I hate being yelled at. Angie noticed me tremble, and she scooped me up into her arms, kissing my forehead gently. I watched as she turned to Bosco, scowling at her.

"Come on, Cam. Does some cereal sound okay?" Angie asked. I nodded in response. I didn't really feel like eating. Or talking. Or doing anything. I didn't wanna upset Coco anymore than I already have. Angie placed the bowl in front of me. I ate the cereal, albeit sluggishly.

Daya and Willow came downstairs. Willow had wrapped a blanket around herself like a cape. Daya had very dark circles under her eyes. So did Willow. I think all of us did. I didn't mean to keep everyone up so late. I didn't mean to, I really didn't mean to.

I didn't even notice I was crying until I felt Angie run over to me and hug me. I cling onto her, spewing out apologies as I sobbed. Angie seemed confused, holding me tightly, kissing my forehead to provide comfort. Once I calmed down, Angie asked me what was wrong.

"I-I'm so sorry, Angie! I'm so selfish! I didn't mean to keep y-you and Willow and C-Coco and Daya up all night! I'm so sorry, Angie! I don't w-wanna be selfish anymore! Angie, make it stop!" I wail, holding tightly onto Angie. She glared at Coco.

"For fuck's sake, Bosco... Now look what you've done," Angie spoke with a scowl. Coco looked taken aback, before glaring right back at Angie. Bosco stomped over to me and Angie. I didn't mean to make Coco mad, why was she mad at me?! What did I do? I don't understand...

"There is no way you're blaming this on me! None of this would've happened if she had just gotten her ass in bed like we fucking told her to!" Coco shouted. She was so loud. Her voice felt like knives being shoved in my brain. I grabbed my head.

I didn't realize how cold I was until I felt my fingertips press against my head. I shrieked at the cold feeling. I finally felt my tears when I cuddled up to Angie, soaking her shirt with my tears. Angie immediately started to rub my back. Angie felt so warm.

"C-Cold. Angie, i-it's so c-cold! Angie, why is it s-so cold?!" I wail, clinging onto Angie as tight as I could. Willow came over to us, wrapping her blanket around me before hugging me. Willow was also very warm. I tried my best to warm myself up.

Daya was next to come over to me. She grabbed my hands and took them in hers. She also felt warm. I didn't like the cold. When it's cold, all the flowers wilt, and the animals all go into hibernation. It's always so lonely when it gets cold outside.

Bosco came over to us, and I immediately felt cold again. She placed a hand on my back, and I immediately swatted her away. Bosco felt cold. I didn't like how cold she was. It hurt. She made me so cold, like I had been thrown outside in the winter.

"Cold! C-Coco, why are you so cold?!" I shriek, squeezing Daya's hands. She took mine in hers and rubbed small circles on them, making some of the cold go away. Angie whispered sweet nothings in my ear and Willow hugged me. They felt warm, much warmer than Coco felt.

"Coco feels cold? It's okay Cam, you'll be okay. The cold will go away soon. Do you need anything?" Angie spoke, her voice was soothing. I shakily requested for more blankets. Willow immediately grabbed some, wrapping them around me. It felt like a blanket cocoon. It felt really really warm.

I snuggled into the blankets while Angie held me. Willow hugged me too. Daya on the other hand went over to Bosco. I finally felt less cold. Like the ice that was encasing my body had finally melted. I hated being cold.

Daya had stomped over to Bosco. Now Daya was gonna get cold. Bosco shouted at Daya, causing Daya to yell right back at Coco. This cycle continued for a bit. Bosco's yelling was so loud. I hated it. I started crying again. As Angie comforted me, I heard Daya's voice,

"For fuck's sakes, Bosco. Now look what you've done,"

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