Chapter Six: Deja's House

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TW: Implied SI, mentions of fighting
Deja's POV:

Okay, I was confused, but I had no time to think. I had to get everything sharp or potentially dangerous outta the house. I don't know why Camden and Angie were coming over, but I wasn't gonna ask. Daya wouldn't tell me, so I don't think they would.

I found a place to hide everything, locking it up for good measure. Now all I could do was wait for Camden and Angie. I didn't know what happened, why they were coming over, why I had to hide every potentially dangerous item, it was really quite strange to me.

"D-Deja..." I heard a voice sniffle as the door opened. I was met with a panicked Angeria and an exhausted-looking Camden. Camden had a bright red mark on her face and her arms were all sliced up. She wobbled over to me, sniffling before collapsing on top of me.

"Cam... Cam, are you okay?" I spoke, my voice was quiet. I didn't wanna raise it for fear of scaring her. She looked up at me, shaking her head. She looked so drained. There wasn't any color in her face save for that red mark. She was quivering terribly.

"Angie, why does she have this red mark on her face? And why are her arms all cut up? What happened?!" I spoke, trying to get an idea of what on earth happened at their house. Angeria frowned, twiddling her fingers and looking down. She wasn't talking. She seemed scared.

"Angeria?" I called, she shook her head, grabbing her phone. I tilted my head slightly as she grumbled. I heard her nails clacking on the screen of her phone, undoubtably texting someone. She pressed the send button, evidenced by the whoosh sound that emitted from her phone's speaker before slamming it down, going upstairs.

Camden rubbed her eyes, flopping onto a chair and laying her head down on the table. I knew this was wrong, but I had to know what happened. I grabbed Angeria's phone, hesitantly entering the passcode, (which was her birthday, original) and seeing two new texts.

"Angie, I'm scared. Daya and Willow won't stop shouting at each other! I'm scared! Angie, please come back! You can get them to stop fighting, can't you? Angie, please, come back!" One text read. This text was from Bosco. Okay, so now Daya and Willow had started fighting, but why?

"I'm so fucking mad! Willow is being such a moronic brat! For fuck's sakes, this little brat can't even admit she was wrong! She can't even do one fucking thing right!" A different text read. This one from Daya. So Willow had done something wrong, but what? What'd she do?

"Hey Willow. Listen, Camden and I aren't coming back until tomorrow. We're staying at Deja's for tonight. I'm really disappointed, Willow. I thought you would know better than to hit Camden. I guess I overestimated you." This text was the one Angie had sent to Willow. Soon enough, Willow replied.

"Angie... I'm sorry.. I never wanted to hurt Camden! Now Daya and Coco have given up on me.. I don't want you and Camden to give up on me... Angie, please! I'm sorry!" Willow had texted. So Willow had hit Camden, that explains the bright red mark on Camden's face...

"Deja? Deja.. I'm tired... Not like the sleepy tired, but I'm really tired.. I'm so exhausted, I can't fucking take it anymore!" Camden sobbed, reaching her arms for me after picking her head up. I ran over to her, smoothing her hair out of her face, wondering what she meant.

"All of this... It's my fault! All because I can't fucking take care of myself and I can't fucking function like a normal person! They've already given up on me, haven't they? Why won't they just leave me?! I can't take it anymore!" Camden wailed. Did she think this was because of her?

"Cam Cam... This wasn't your fault! And no one is giving up on you. You're going to get better. All of this isn't permanent. You're not gonna be like this forever. You need to stay strong, Cam Cam.." I told her, but she shook her head, wailing.

"No Deja! You don't get it! I'm so tired! And confused! Deja, I'm not okay! Deja, I just want this to go away! I don't wanna do this anymore!" She sobbed, pushing me away and slamming her fist on the table, coughing as her sobs became louder and louder.

"Camden..." I mumble, not able to get any other words out. I stare at her, she was face down on the table, sobbing her eyes out. This was why they needed me to hide anything potentially dangerous. They didn't want anything to happen to Cam Cam. She looked absolutely exhausted.

"Deja.. They won't let me go.. Not even when I beg them to let me go.. And I don't know why! I'm not okay Deja, I'm not okay!" She wailed, as Angie ran down the steps. She ran over, hugging Camden as tight as she could. I frowned, wishing I could help somehow.

"It's because we know you can get better, Cam. We know it seems hard and scary, but we know you can do it. We're not gonna let anything happen to you. We know you can do it!" Angie spoke, holding Camden tight.

"It's scary, Angie... And overwhelming! There's so much I have to fix, I don't know where to start! Angie, I'm scared.. Scared of getting better.." She whimpered, shaking horribly. I think I understood where she was coming from. Fighting was so hard, and scary, and hiding from it just seemed easier.

"Hun, I know hiding may seem easier, but it's not. It's only gonna get worse. Your rituals will only get more intense and you'll only develop more. I know it's scary, but we're here for you," I told her, giving her a hug.

Recovery seemed scary for her. Because she knew that she'd have to do difficult and scary things. But we all knew she could get better, and we'd be there to help her.

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