Chapter Eleven: Cuddles Make Everything Better

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Camden's POV:

I wake up feeling very warm. I look to my side to see Angie on my left and Willow on my right. They were holding me tightly. They were both asleep. I smile and cuddle closer to Angie, Willow instinctively follows my action. I smile, basking in the moment.

"Wake up, wake up, WAKE UP! Willow, I need waffles!" Bosco calls, clapping her hands together. Willow rubs her eyes drearily. She stumbles out of the bed, glancing at me and Angie. She takes her blanket and drapes it over the two of us before leading Bosco out of the room.

I nuzzle into the blanket. The blanket is very very fluffy. Angie woke up and looked at me, smiling. I smile at her and cuddle up to her. She cuddles me and kisses my forehead gently. I kiss her cheek, snuggling impossibly closer to her. I smile at her.

"Good morning, sugar. Did you sleep well?" Angie spoke as she brushes my hair out of my face. I nod, smiling widely at her. I was happy today. I had a feeling today was gonna be a good day. Or at least a more relaxed day. I hope my feeling is right.

"I'm still sleepy, Angie. Can we cuddle for a little while longer?" I ask. She nods, kissing my forehead again. I cuddle even closer to her, if such a thing was even possible. I feel my eyes close once again and I drift back off to sleep.


"Cam Cam! Angie! Wake up!" Coco yells. I look up at her before checking my clock on my phone. It was noon already. I rub my eyes sleepily and Angie wakes up too. I smile at Angie and she smiles back at me. Bosco tilts her head before she leaves.

Angie gets out of bed to go shower. I grab my Nintendo 3DS. I rummage through my case where I keep my games, before deciding on Animal Crossing: New Leaf. I boot up the game and smile as the title screen shows up and the theme plays. I lay back down.

"Hey Cam. Willow made waffles for you. She wanted me to bring them up for you." Daya spoke with a smile, setting them on my beside table. She had cut them up into fours, and they had lots of syrup and powdered sugar. Just the way I liked them.

Willow made breakfast for everyone. She was good at it. No one made waffles like she did. She was a waffle magician! Angie had returned from the shower and laid down next to me. She kisses my forehead gently. I smile as she turns on the TV in our room.

"I love you, sugar. Never forget that, ok?" Angie spoke, kissing my head once more. I smiled and nodded at her. She smiled too before turning her attention back to the TV. I snuggle up to her again before I open my mouth to speak.

"I love you too, Angie!"

Daya's POV:

"I'm going to snuggle you and there's nothing you can do about it." I hear a voice call. It's Bosco's voice. I look to my side and see the aforementioned girl wrapping her arms around me and tilting her nose up. I smile and lift her up into my lap.

"Aw, cuddles? What's up, Coco?" I ask, I haven't gotten many Bosco cuddles recently. I assumed she needed something or needed to tell me something. She cuddles closer to me before looking up at me with a very wide smile. She opens her mouth and begins to speak.

"Remember when I said I needed time to fully forgive you? I've fully forgiven you now," Bosco told me. I gasp and hug her tight, smiling widely and thanking her profusely. She smiles too. She lays her head against my chest, seemingly a little bit tired, but she's still smiling.

"Aw, thank you Coco! This is the best news I've gotten all week! I'll never be that mean to you ever again, I promise." I tell her as I kiss her repeatedly. She grins and wraps her arms around me. She's smiling as wide as she can. I smile too.

"I love you, Daya. Remember that, okay?" Bosco spoke as she snuggled up to me. I kiss her forehead and she kisses my cheek. I hold her close to me and snuggle her before laying my head on top of hers before deciding to reply.

"I love you too, Coco. So, so much. More than you could ever know." I spoke, punctuating each sentence with a kiss. She smiles and snuggles me, happily humming a song that I don't remember the name of. She started to drift off to sleep and I hold her close, letting her rest her head against my chest.

Willow's POV:

I finish frying up some French toast for breakfast. I decided to treat myself today as it was Saturday. I quietly sat at the table and ate, the only sounds coming my fork. I liked moments like this, where I had some peace and quiet.

I felt like we all needed some rest after these past couple of days. After Camden's breakdown, Bosco's panic attack, me lashing out and getting stuck, and of course apologizing for all of that, and Camden's first therapy meeting, all of us were pretty exhausted, and for a good reason.

I grab my phone, opting to check Instagram. I had a message from Kornbread. I smile and read the message. I chuckle and message her back, getting up to put my plate in the sink along with the fork before grabbing a can of Coke. I look over to the living room.

I see Daya and Bosco cuddling, both of them sleeping. I smirk and waltz over and take a picture. Then I cover them both with a nearby blanket. I go upstairs and see Camden and Angie snuggling and I cover them with a blanket too, also taking a picture.

Today was gonna be a relaxing day.

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