Chapter Eight: Where's Willow?!

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Camden's POV:

"W-We're home, Willow!" I call shakily, placing my bag down, tugging on my blanket that was wrapped around me like a cape. Angie followed me into the room. I didn't hear anything. Willow didn't come downstairs. I then noticed a mysterious piece of paper on the table.

"Hey, I'm probably not here right now. I left, for a walk. May go stay with Kornbread tonight, I don't know. -Willow" was written in Willow's shaky handwriting. Willow left? In a storm? But that's not safe! She could get hurt! I immediately turned to Angie, panicking as I did.

"W-Willow's m-missing! A-Angie, where's Willow?!" I shriek, running over to Angie worriedly. Angie looked around before grabbing her phone. She opened her messages, going to text Willow. Angie asked Willow where she had gone, just as Daya and Bosco came into the room, they looked really sleepy.

"Coco! Daya! W-Willow, s-she's missing! W-We need t-to find Willow!" I shouted, I felt myself start to tremble with worry. I didn't know where Willow was and I was worried. The rain had let up a bit from when we left, but it was still heavy.

"Willow's missing? Why'd she leave?! That's not safe! She left during the storm!" Bosco rambled. While they weren't looking, I grabbed my phone and bolted out the door, opening up my messages and texting Willow. I had to find her. I know she hit me, but I had to find her.

"I'm at the park near Kerri's house. I'm sorry. Please hurry, the rain is so cold.." the text from Willow read. I knew the path to that park by memory, so I quickly got a move on, bolting down the street and turning at the curve of the road.

The rain started to get heavier, but I was focused. I knew the park was a thirty minute walk, but I was running. I had to find Willow. I breathed heavily, trying to get to Willow as fast as I could. I arrived at the park after about thirty minutes.

I ran to Willow, who was standing under a tree, hiding from the now down pouring rain. Catching my breath, I ran over to her, hugging her. I was calmer now that I had found Willow, but that didn't last very long as the loud crash of thunder sounded out.

Willow and I were stuck. The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the wind was tossing around everything it could. I was scared. I wanted to go home, but I knew there was no way Willow and I could walk home in this weather. I felt my phone ring.

"Sugar? Where are you? Did you find Willow? Stay where you are. Tell me where you are, we're coming to take you home," Angie's voice called as I quickly hit the accept call button. I shivered as I took a shaky breath. I was so cold, and really really scared..

"W-Willow a-and I are a-at the p-park n-near Kerri's h-house. P-Please hurry! I-It's so cold..." I told her. Angie told me that Bosco, Daya and her were coming and would be there soon. Willow and I waited until a car showed up.

"Willow! Cam! Get in the car now!" Bosco called as she rolled down the window. Willow and I ran to them, quickly opening the back doors. I cuddled up under Angie's left arm, Willow clinging to Angie's right. Angie grabbed two fluffy blankets, wrapping one tightly around each of us.

"Angie... A-Angie! I'm s-so c-c-cold! Angie, why a-am I so c-cold?" I whimper, trembling as I cuddled close to Angie, as Bosco drove us home. Angie rubbed my back, trying to warm me up. Willow whimpered, and Angie put an arm around her too.

When we got home, Angie picked me up and settled me on her hip. She put Willow on her other hip and carried us inside. When we got inside, Angie carried me and Willow to her room, laying me and Willow down and tucked us into bed. Willow turned to me.

Angie had left the room, and Willow was staring at me, her eyes watering. I moved over to her, cuddling under her arm. I hugged her and she started to cry as she hugged me tightly. I held her tightly as she spewed our apologies over and over again.

"I'm sorry, Cam... Cam, I'm so sorry! I never wanted to hurt you! I'm so so sorry! Camden, I'm so sorry!" Willow wailed, hugging me as tight as she could. I smiled, cuddling close to Willow and smiling gently. She looked up at me, really confused. I hugged Willow tight.

"I forgive you, Willow! It's okay!" I spoke with a smile. Willow hugged me tightly. I started to let my own tears fall. I didn't like that Willow left. That wasn't safe. I was scared, I didn't know why she had left. It was confusing to me. I was scared.

"Willow... Why did you leave during the storm? Willow, that wasn't safe! Why did you do that?!" I wail, clinging to Willow tightly. Willow mumbled that she wasn't thinking as she starts crying again. I cling to Willow tightly as she holds me. She trembled before speaking again, very shakily.

"Felt so mad.. At myself.. I hurt you, and Coco, and Daya and Angie, but I didn't want to! I wasn't thinking and before I knew it, I had already slapped you! But I wasn't thinking! I didn't mean it, I swear!" Willow wept, hugging me as tight as she could.

I guess I understood where she was coming from. I didn't like when Willow yelled, but she said sorry, and everything is okay now. Why doesn't she believe that? I look up at the still sobbing Willow, before I opened my mouth to speak.
"But I forgive you, Willow..."

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