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Chapter 15
The Saving

I felt my lungs cry out for air. My back hit the water first, then I felt my neck ache with so much pain, enough to knock me out.

Only for a split second could I feel my body sink, but my eyes fluttered closed. My hair swayed in the cold water. I sat there. Dead. Not I'm not dead.

I could only feel a flash of someone grabbing me, and pulling me up, but my eyes stayed closed, and my body not moving a inch.

I felt them grab my hands, and place me on their back, as they slowly inches upwards— probably climbing. I was set down on a hard surface, my head was supported by whomever this person was.

I heard soft mumbling through my clogged ears. Which sounded familiar- the voice. It must have been Obi Wan. I gathered the strength to open my eyes, and there he was, all blurry.

I sat up, my back supported by his strong hand, as I coughed up all the water. He smiled softly at me, then cupped my face. "I'm glad your okay." He whispered. I smiled, then carefully got up.

"What happened..?" I asked looking around. He frowned. "I'm not too sure. But I do know something is wrong. I'm just hoping Anakin is okay."

I frowned. "Padme too." I added. He looked over at me and nodded. He looked around at the large stones surrounding us. "This way." He mumbled.


He lead us to a small speeder on the outer dock. We quickly hurried on, and flew away, luckily unnoticed. Obi Wan clicked the contacts.

"Emergency code 913. I have no contact on any frequency." He began as he quickly hurried of the dangerous planet.

A distorted voice echoed through the ship. "Master Kenobi." It began. "Senator Organa." I mumbled to him. He nodded and turned his head back to the blue hologram.

"The clone troopers turned on us. We need help." He said sadly.

"We have just rescued Master Yoda." Organa stated. "It appears this ambush happened everywhere. We're sending you our coordinates."

Obi Wan nodded, then cut the communications.


"How many other Jedi have managed to survive?" I asked Master Yoda as we walked through a small corridor.

"Heard from no one.. have we." He responded. Obi Wan eyes filled with sadness, and turned dark.

"I saw thousands of troops attack the Jedi temple." Bail Organa said hesitantly. "The and why I went looking for Yoda."

"Have we had any contact from the temple?" Obi Wan asked. "Received a codes retreat message we have." Yoda answered sternly.

"It requests all Jedi to return to the temple." Organa said as he stopped and turned to us.

"Well then we must go back." Obi Wan raised his voice. "If there are stragglers they will be trapped and killed!"

"Suggest dismantling the coded signal so you?" Yoda asked tilting his head and adding a slight 'hm' at the end.

"Yes Master, there is to much at stake." Obi Wan replied nervously. "I agree." Master Yoda replied.


Obi Wan pushed me behind him as blasts shot through the air. One arms was latched around his and the other holding a blaster as I shot the many troopers and droids around me.

Obi Wan placed his hood back on his head, then turned to Master Yoda who was already walk my towards the temple.

The three of us paced around the Jedi temple. I held back tears as I gazed over each fallen body. But seeing the younglings, was to much for me.

I chuckled on my tears, then let out a quiet sob. "Killer not by clones.. this padawan, by a lightsaber he was." Yoda said shutting his eyes.

"Who..?" Obi Wan said softly. "Who could have done this.?"

"The security cameras may be helpful." I said as I stood up. They two Jedi nodded and lead the way to the security.


I walked close next to Obi Wan, anticipating the next attack. Yoda waddled over to the exit. Obi Wan stopped and turned to the cameras.

"If into the security recordings you go.. only pain will you find." Yoda warned. Obi Wan sighed and turned his head back tot he recordings.

"I must know the truth Master." And with that he clicked the button. My heard dropped.

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