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Chapter 19
The message

Everyday on Kashyyk was the same. I would wake up in my small, high of the ground treehouse, drink my homemade blue milk, read a book or take a walk.

I woke up to a small beeping sound coming from a box in my room, a box I hadn't opened for eight years. I huffed, and rolled out of my soft bed.

I rubbed my eyes, and blinked away the blurriness. I tried hitting the box, the beeping didn't stop. I eventually opened it, I pulled out my communications device.

It was glowing blue, which meant it was from Senator Organa. I hesitantly grabbed it. Just holding it made me think of him, Senator Organa, and Master Yoda.

I gripped the little device in my hand and pressed the center button. A hologram of Senator Organa and his wife.

"Nice to see you again, Y/n..." The senator said.


"We don't know who it was." Organa said sadly. I frowned and sat down on my bed still hold my the small device in my palm. "No ransom, no leads." His wife added.

"Whoever they are, they knew where she would be. They were waiting." He said getting choked up. I wilted my eyes.

"She needs you.." His wife said gripping the Senators hand. "We can't trust anyone else." She added.

"I know.. but what about a bounty hunter- or your guards?" I asked softly. They sighed and looked at each other.

"Only you know how important she is, Y/n." They said softly. "If Leia is discovered.." He trailed off. They both looked at each other, then me.

"I'll do it. I promised Padme I would look after her.. so that's what I'll do." I said turning my frown into a soft smile.

They both smiled and looked at each other before ending the call. I set the device beside me, and leaned my back down on the bed.

I put my hands over my face and sighed. "I'm coming Leia." I said with a soft smile.


I landed on a small planet in the outer rim called Daiyu. I started wandering around the airport hoping to find someone who can help me find Leia's ship.

Yet unfortunately all signals are blocked once you enter the small city planet. I hurried out of the busy airport and onto the street. I saw many gamblers, and drug dealers, but no sign of Leia.

I began wandering the streets, for what seemed like hours. I tried talking to people, yet whenever I started a conversation, it always ended up turning into them trying to bargain with me about something.

My stomach grumbled, I placed my cold hand on it and sighed. I looked for a food stand nearby, but there was nothing.

"Finally." I murmured to myself once I found a small restaurant next to a few jewelry stands. I counted my credits, then walked inside the small building.

I scanned the room, and walked up to the grease covered counter. "Hi there." I said quickly to the women working.

She looked up at me and scoffed. "Haven't heard that all day." She said with a grin. I chuckled. "Neither have I."

She glanced back up at me and smiled. "What would ya like today?" She asked resting her elbow on the counter.

I looked up at the menu. "Blue milk and a Daiyu style sandwich." She nodded and clicked her little register with her long green nails.

She handed me a small ticket that had the number 23-7 on it. "When they call the number go ahead and walked right up here and take your food."

I nodded and took the ticket, but then remembered what I came to this planet for. "Excuse me..?" I asked turning back around towards the women.

"Have you seen a little girl pass by this store? She has brown hair, a green and brown outfit and a most likely short temper?" I asked.

She creased her eyebrows and nodded slowly. "Yea.. she was screaming the whole way. I saw her go in there." She said pointing too a small hallway that lead to who knows where.

My body felt alive, I thanked her and ran out the door. I didn't quite catch what she yelled once I left, but who cares.

I ran into the corridor and was greeted by a wall of masks. I quickly slipped one of the ventilators on, and began walking through the lab.

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