V - Is Five Wearing Aftershave?

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"Wait, so that little delinquent is your son?" Klaus asked Diego as they sat up at the bar, along with Number Five and Number Eight. Meanwhile, the two children that had arrived with Diego were raiding the hotel buffet.

Number Eight sat with her head in her hands, shaking it back and forth. "What is happening? What, in the hell, is happening? And, Five, what are you wearing?" She muttered, looking at Number Five's attire. He was wearing a vest and a fedora... It was very un-Five.

"Allegedly, my son. Stanley." Diego narrowed his eyes at Klaus, who couldn't help but laugh hysterically at the situation.

"That's so funny!" Klaus clapped his hands together.

Number Five frowned as he watched the two children. The boy was stuffing his face with pastry after pastry, whilst the girl scolded him whenever he lifted a new snack. "Wait... who's the mother?" He asked the question that was on everyone's mind.

"Lila." Diego said bluntly.

"Excuse me?" Klaus' head snapped in Diego's direction.

"Excuse me?" Klaus' head snapped in Diego's direction

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"Whoa, Lila's here?" Number Five asked.

Diego sighed heavily, looking at his lap. "Was here. She dropped these two off in my lap last night and then bolted."

"Wait, wait, wait." Number Eight shook her head, looking between the boys who sat around her. "Can we just clarify something? I understand her dropping your kid off, but why has she brought mine?!" She said, borderline hysterically. "Besides, how old is Eden here? Eleven? Twelve? We're practically the same age!" Number Eight hissed, gesturing at her teenage body. "Well, physically, you know, not... mentally." She watched her daughter slap Diego's son on the wrist, rolling her eyes at his greedy behaviour. Number Eight managed to muster a small smirk, seeing that Eden demonstrated similar behaviour to her own.

Number Five sighed, knowing that Number Eight was right. "Well, you're not exactly wrong."

"I thought you said Eden couldn't be here, in 2019?" Number Eight questioned, raising her eyebrow at Number Five.

"Yeah, she shouldn't be able to. But, like I said earlier, if Dad didn't adopt us, who knows what could happen? Technically, we're not really supposed to be here either. There's already a version of us in this timeline, so we really could do with speaking to Lila and figuring out how and why the hell she brought Eden with her. Diego, is she coming back?" Number Five turned his attention to Diego, who was stuck in a glaring trance.

"Well, she god damn better be because we've got more important things to be dealing with right now!" Diego raised his voice so that Stanley could hear.

"Well, she god damn better be because we've got more important things to be dealing with right now!" Diego raised his voice so that Stanley could hear

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