XXIX - Powerless

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The Umbrella Academy stepped out of the Hotel Obsidian elevator into it's courtyard, which was centred by a stone statue. However, Allison was not present with her family. Nor was Sloane.

"Cool." Lila chuckled as she looked around her surroundings, noticing that the world was no longer falling apart. Every building was still in place, the sound of car horns could be heard in the distance, and there was no sign of a Kugelblitz anywhere in sight.

Number Five approached the stone statue in the centre of the courtyard with confusion plastered across his face, noticing that it was indeed a bust of Sir Reginald

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Number Five approached the stone statue in the centre of the courtyard with confusion plastered across his face, noticing that it was indeed a bust of Sir Reginald. A plaque below it read:

Obsidian Memorial Park

Graciously donated by Sir Reginald Hargreeves

This first day of October 1989

"Luther?" Viktor spoke quietly, noticing her adoptive brother step out of the elevator behind his family. He was considerably skinnier than he had ever been before, however, he appeared just as confused as ever.

Luther's face fell in pure shock. "Oh, shit. You can see me? I'm alive? I'm alive!"

"Yes!" Viktor cheered before running towards Luther and engulfing him in a tight cuddle. Luther was so pleased to see his family that he lifted Viktor off the ground completely and pulled him into an affectionate squeeze.

"Luther's alive!" Klaus cheered, clapping his hands together.

Number Eight looked at Luther, baffled. "Oh my God." She chuckled. "That's not all, big guy. You're, erm, not hairy?" She pointed out the obvious change in his physique.

"Oh shit!" Luther patted down his skinny frame. "My body! Wait... I look amazing now!" He flexed his biceps proudly.

"Luther's all svelte now." Klaus chuckled at Luther's amazement upon examining his new physique.

Luther continued to find new features of his less-apish body, such as his hairless chest and his significantly thinner calves. "Oh, I've got to show Sloane!"

Number Eight turned to Number Five with a large grin on her face, pleased to see Luther return, however she became quickly distracted by a change in Number Five. "Five! Your arm is back."

Number Five instinctively felt for his left arm, and breathed a sigh of relief upon feeling the sensation of his lower arm. He smiled at Number Eight.

"This is so cool!" Luther looked around his family with a Cheshire Cat-like grin, however, this quickly dropped upon noticing one person missing. "W-wait. Where's Sloane?"

"Oh, she was, uh... She was right behind me-" Klaus started looking around himself, noticing that the girl who was once so close to him had simply vanished.

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