XIII - A Kugelblitz Is Not A Sneeze

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Number Eight stood before the door of the operations bunker, noticing a a luminous retinal scanner on the side of the locked entrance. She glared it at closely before a large beam began to scan the individual pattern of her eye.

An alarm buzzed loudly throughout the hallway before an unbearable automated voice blared through the speakers. "Unauthorised access."

"We're screwed." Lila sighed, slumping her shoulders dramatically.

"Oh, shit." Number Five sighed, wiping the surface of his forehead with the back of his hand before continuing to scratch the back of his neck.

"Jesus. You're sweating like a dodgy shrimp on ice. What's wrong?" Lila asked, looking Number Five up and down in disgust. He was indeed excessively sweating and was unfortunately flatulent.

Number Eight rolled her eyes, a small scoff escaping her lips. "You know, considering you two are supposed to be 'super clever', or whatever the Commission drilled into your heads, it's taking you an obliviously long time to figure this out."

"What are you talking about?" Lila asked, her features forming a deep scowl.

"Five, come here

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"Five, come here." Number Eight gestured towards her partner, gesturing for him to stand beside her in front of the door. She grabbed his shoulders before positioning the boy in front of the retinal scanner. As the bright blue light scanned the iris of his right eye, a happy chime echoed through the speakers.

"Access granted."

Lila patted Number Eight on the shoulders, which to Eight's dismay. "So, I guess Five is the essential personnel."

"Well done, Lila! Gold star for you." Number Eight grinned sarcastically, brushing the woman's hand away from her shoulder.

With a frown, Number Five pushed the set of double doors open only to reveal the most bizarre looking room he and the others had ever seen. It was mostly darkened, with only a small amount of an ominous, blue glow illuminating certain areas. The room was barren, empty, with only a chair and a 6ft tube in the centre of the room.

"What in the Matrix is this shit?" Number Eight's eyes darted around the room, noticing the sound-proofed walls and the linoleum floors.

"Wow." Lila said under her breath as she approached the tube. The sound of faint, raspy breathing could be heard over the sound of a ventilator. As she peered over the top of the tube, she realised that it homed the body of an old man. "That's him, huh? The founder? Looks like tinned beef. I was expecting more man and less... can."

Number Five's eyes immediately widened as he approached the tube, recognising the head of the man that stuck out of the top. "It can't be." He stuttered, hesitantly stepping nearer.

"What's wrong?" Lila asked, raising an eyebrow.

Number Eight simply grinned. "Oo, is it finally clicking? Are we realising who it is?" She clapped her hands excitedly.

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