-Chapter VI-

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Evelyn stirred as the bright sun spread across the sky, her eyes squeezing shut to try and get a little bit more sleep but then shot awake as Thomas started yelling.

"Hey! Hey, get out of here!" He yelled at a bird that was rummaging through one of the boys backpacks.

"Are they gone?" Newt asked sitting up and looking around for the cranks.

"Yeah, I think we're safe for now." Thomas said getting to his feet. "Come on let's pack it up."

They all started to get up, some a little more tired than others as they grabbed their backpacks.

Evelyn ran a hand over her face then through her hair as she yawned, her head then turning to Winston who groaned as he sat up slightly. Frypan looked at his friend sadly and then helped him to his feet.

They all climbed up the fallen building and onto a platform, their eyes scanning the area with shock.

The buildings surrounding them were completely destroyed, not a sign of life in sight as they walked through the ruins of a city.

"What the hell happened to this place?" Frypan asked shaking his head as he looked up at the path of tall structures and the fallen bits of stone that covered most of the ground.

"I don't know. But it doesn't look like anyone's been here in a long time." Newt replied.

"Hope the whole world's not like this." Frypan said.

From the back of the group, Thomas stopped and held his hand up, looking around cautiously. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hang on, stop."

Evelyn turned around in her spot and watched as he focused on a sound he was hearing. She looked up at the sky, faintly hearing it too. It was rumbles of a sort.

     Thomas's eyes widened as the noise got closer. "Get down. Everybody hide! Hide, hide!"

     At his words and frantic tone of voice, they did just that and scurried under and platform of stone much like the one they hid under last night.

     "Shit." Evelyn heard Newt mutter from beside her as they watched a WCKD berg and two helicopters pass by.

     "They're not gonna stop looking for us, are they?" Minho inquired as he let his head slowly look forward after the flying vehicles passed by.

     "I don't think so." Evelyn said shaking her head before everyone got out from under the spot and continued on walking with their guards up and eyes peeled for any intruding visitors.

Feet grew tired and legs ached as they trekked on, not sure exactly how to get to the mountains and if they do, how'd the people there would react.

Time passed by slowly, feeling like they'd been walking for a day when in reality it'd only been an hour.

Evelyn used the sleeve of her sweatshirt to wipe the dripping sweat from her forehead having discarded her jacket and set it in her bag as the sun seemed to get hotter.

She looked up from her feet once everyone in front of her stopped. There was a large sand dune that they had to climb and she was not looking forward to it. First of all, her thigh still wasn't healed and it made for difficulties plain walking, let alone walking up sand dunes. And secondly her head would not stop aching. At this point she wanted to just shave her dark hair from her head, maybe the sun wouldn't attack her so much then.

"Just a little further guys." Thomas said enthusiastically as he was in the front, already halfway up the hill.

Evelyn let out a loud sigh as she threw her head back from the pure exhaustion that crept through her.

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