-Chapter VII-

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The sky was black in the late night with a cold breeze and zero stars visible in the sky.

The group of teens were gathered around a fire, Aris walking over with another stick that threw on top before sitting down.

"I thought we were supposed to be immune." Minho said, Evelyn pursing her lips from beside him and letting out a sigh.

"Not all of us. I guess." Teresa said, her eyes glued on the flame as she was laying down.

"If Winston can get infected we should assume so can the rest of us." Newt stated.

"I never thought I'd say it," Frypan started to speak having a couple tear run down his face. "But I miss the glade."

A silence fell upon the group after that, Evelyn standing up and walking away from everyone for a few minutes.

Once far enough away, she sat down and covered her face with her hands. She didn't want to cry so she took a couple breaths and rubbed her forehead to maybe soothe some of the pain that all the death she'd experienced caused.

"Hey." Evelyn turned her head behind her and looked up where Teresa was stood with her arms wrapped around herself.

"Hi." Evelyn wiped her nose and gestured for the first to come sit with her. Teresa walked over and sat right beside her, shoulder to shoulder.

"Didn't think we'd lose so many people." Evelyn said shaking her head.

Teresa nodded and wrapped her arm around the girls shoulders, Evelyn laying her head on her shoulder.

"Do you remember anything? From WICKED?" Teresa asked breaking the silence as Evelyn lifted her head back up from her shoulder and nodded.

"Yeah. I remember you." She said with a grin. "And these." She said lifting her hand as Teresa did the same and let out a small laugh, her too remembering what they were. "What about you?"

"When you were first brought in, I remember the first time I met you." Teresa started thinking about the memory with a smile on her face. "Thomas had just made you eat some of his food and then he brought you over to me and the first thing you did was touch my nose and you said, 'I know this weird but I'm sorry you have a perfect nose'." Teresa explained, both girls letting out giggles.

"I remember that now!"

Teresa took a moment and then spoke again. "I remember why we were there. We thought we could fix all this." Evelyn nodded remembering at first she thought the same thing.

"I think we should go back." Evelyn turned her head in a quick motion towards the girl and looked at her for a moment to make sure she heard her right.

"What? Go back? After everything they've done to us?"

"No, it's not that simple." Teresa stated, her voice portraying more of a demanding tone than before.

"Yeah, I think it is that simple."

"No, you don't understand."

"What don't I understand? They're risking kids lives all for a stupid blue liquid."

"Everything was fine until you and Thomas-" Teresa cut herself off and looked from Evelyn then to her hands that were folded in front of her.

"Until we what?" Evelyn urged, tilting head into Teresa's eye line so she could see her face.

"Nothing." Teresa shook her head and stood up before walking back to the fire.

Evelyn just sat there another moment, still surprised that Teresa would even suggest them going back. It was utterly ridiculous.

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