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Scene shifted.

Naruto and Konohamaru were in Training Ground.

"How much can you access now" asked Naruto.

"Only 2. Wind and Fire" said Konohamaru.

Naruto sighed.

"Keep going" said Naruto.

"I don't think, I can do that ni-chan" said Konohamaru.

"Why" asked Naruto.

"Maybe I don't have all five affinities" said Konohamaru.

"Your grandfather had" said Naruto.

"Woah, he's training him in all five affinities" said kiba.

"Grandpa, you have all five affinities" asked Konohamaru.

Hiruzen nodded.

"Not Asuma" said Konohamaru.

"Because he never trained other 4. Listen I know you can, and you have too" said Naruto.

Konohamaru nodded.

"I think I should ask someone who has all affinities" said Naruto.

"Someone else have 5 affinities too" asked Konohamaru shocked.

"Kakashi sensie has all five affinities. Sasuke has all five affinities, but he's not in village." Said Naruto.

"I think first I should focus on my chakra reserves" said Konohamaru.

Naruto nodded.

"Then I'll teach you Senjutsu" said Naruto.

Konohamaru's eyes widened.

"Really" asked Konohamaru.

"Yeah. I want to pass on my legacy too, right" said Naruto.

"I'm honoured. But you'll have your kids for that in future" said Konohamaru.

Naruto blushed.

"How long it's been " asked Konohamaru.

"What" asked Naruto.

"Your relationship" asked Konohamaru.

"7 years I think. 7 years ago pain attacked the village and after defeating him, I praposed her too" said Naruto.

"When are you planning to get married" asked Konohamaru.

Naruto just smirked

Scene shifted.

Naruto was Hokage and Konohamaru and Naruto was in Hokage office.

"Here's your next mission" said Naruto giving him the scroll.

"Another C rank" said Konohamaru.

"You'll get higher mission. Wait for it" said Naruto.

Just then someone knocked on the door.

"Who's that" asked Konohamaru.

"It's someone creepy because I can't sense him at all" said Naruto wondering who's outside.

"Come in" said Naruto.

Just then door opened and a man with pale white skin and amber eyes came inside.

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