1. Drifting gently, similarly to snow

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Max and Jason

The snow crunched under the boy's feet. It was mid-February and yet it felt like it was mid-December. Every tree seemed dead in its own way, even the pine trees; although they had leaves, they just seemed so barren and hollow. The grass was covered in an inch of snow. Birds seemed non-existent. The only sound anybody could hear was the snow crunching and the boys rising breath.

Everything seemed slightly dead- even the boy walking.
The boy in question had messy chestnut brown hair and pale skin. His eyes were a shining red-and-blue. The left was red, the right was blue. He had freckles all over his body- mostly down his arms and a row of freckles that spanned from one check to the other. His black horns were barely poking out of head; his wings were under his T-shirt. He was clearly a demon- what type wasn't exact.

"Dammit!" The boy cussed, tripping over a twig he found buried deep in the snow. He stood up, shivering slightly- he was outside in nothing but a mint-green t-shirt, blue jeans, and white trainers. He picked up the twig he tripped on and put it in his jeans back pocket after drying it off a bit. He might need it to start a fire later.

The funny thing about more than one person getting upset means nobody knows when to stop. Even when people stop shouting the tension stays high. The tension lingers like the smell of chlorine gas released into the air. The boy hated any sort of tension, especially when he was involved in whatever incident that had taken place.

He had been walking for almost an hour- it was 6pm. It was dark. This didn't bother him, if all else fails he would just simply just teleport home. He just didn't have the emotional motivation to do so. His dad would be super angry because he just stormed off and didn't even bother taking his phone.

Besides, he liked walking in silence- it made him feel happier. There was nothing but him and his thoughts. Even if he had the phobia of being alone, the pretty scenery almost negates it. There was still the lingering fear in the back of his mind though.

Maybe if he stopped for food on the way home, he'd feel better. There was a McDonalds not too far from home. He had enough money. He just didn't want to do something he regretted- life always chose him to pick on. Not his brother, Andrew... him.


The boy turned around to see his best friend, Jason Morningstar, standing behind him. He had beautiful scarlet red eyes and a charming smile to match. He stood taller than Max at about 5'9 while Max himself was only 5'7. Jason had neat blond hair and was wearing a red jacket with a grey hoodie underneath. He looked a bit like Max in terms of face shape and the few freckles on his cheeks but other than that they looked different. Some people thought they were siblings.

"Hi Jason, what's up? Are you ok?" Max was trying his absolute best to feign happiness. He wasn't fooling anyone with it. Jason just raised an eyebrow as Max chuckled weakly. Lying was the only way out of this- even though Max was digging himself a grave at this point.

"I should be asking you that- are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine! Why do you ask?" The words quite literally got caught in his mouth; he didn't want to involve Jason in his problems. Besides, it was just a massive misunderstanding.

The winds started to pick up as Max shivered again. Silently, Jason walked over to him and placed his coat around Max. A demon's regular body temperature was 57.8 degrees Celsius. Demons would die of hypothermia long before they hit humans regular 37.5. A body temperature of around 45 degrees Celsius was enough to kill a demon.

Jason always jokingly said that this was the reason demons didn't own fridges. In reality, it was because demons didn't really need to eat. They didn't even need to breathe. They were pretty much living statues. Living statues... that was Max's joke.

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