10. Stonehill Castle

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Andrew, Jason, Lucifer
"He's not answering, fuck! The triggers the alarm. I know it is, it's not the time right...? He has an internal clock..." Andrew panicked pacing back and forth along the red rug. Max was asleep already. His plan was fucked , he was so fucked. He should have changed it the night before , but he didn't think that fair ahead but he really should've , he really should've.

When it came to Lewis you had to plan at least 5 steps forward to even be mildly ahead of him.

"Andrew. Stop, you've been trying tk call him for twenty minutes now." Jason responded to Andrews panic lazily, staring at the clock in the massive living room. For a castle it was fairly informal. School photos of Jason lining the walls along with photos of lucifer when he was... well not a child. But of him and his various friends over the years once the camera was invented. However, lucifers  father was was rich enough to have a singular family portrait painted of him and his parents. He had proudly hung that above the fireplace , with his medical doctorate he picked up on the side in roughly the 1970's hung beside it.

"Panicking isn't going to solve anything," Jason added, standing from the couch he was on to gently stop Andrews panicked pacing, "stop calling him, let him sleep. We can try fix it up tomorrow. For now—"

"He's going to forget everything! And I'm sure dad knows now and he's going to beat me and..." Andrew panicked. Jason looked at him in gentle sympathy. He didn't know how to help Andrew, he knew he was scared. But he didn't know what what to do.

"What's all the yelling about?" Lucifer walked in , holding a cup of coffee. The cup reading 'worlds best soul collector' , something a 14 year old Jason thought was the funniest thing to buy his dad for Father's Day. Lucifer looked tired, as if he had been doing. Just beneath his eyes were stained black. His voice was also hoarse.

"Have you been crying?" Jason asked. Leaving Andrews side to approach his dad.

"Unimportant Jason, what's going on with Maxwell?" He asked. Jason sighed sitting back on the couch because this was a conversation that wasn't going to go well for anyone. Andrew had placed himself cross legged; calling his brother again. On Facebook Messenger this time, he's been trying SMS every other time.

"Please pick up... please pick up..." he whispered quietly, voice quivering. Jason sighed. He was the only one not sobbing at this point , was he?

"Max's hypnotised. And asleep. Enjoy that information. Lewis probably rendered today completely pointless and Andrew is afraid of being beaten. Any other questions?" Jason said ripping everything off. Lucifer froze mid sip of coffee before sighing. Of course Lewis would do this today. Well it was Sunday , he probably would anyway. But other than that , spite would've especially fuelled tonight's session.

Lucifer sat beside Andrew pulling him into a silent hug. The line disconnected as the tears started to flood on lucifers lap. This could've been so easy if Lewis just .. was normal? Wasn't a spiteful bastard. But he was. Always had been. From the days of writing papers, to falling in love, everything.

"I have a plan," Lucifer said after a while to cut through the lead filled silence, "but Andrews going to hate it."

"If you're hypnotising me get to fuck lucifer." Was all that came out Andrews mouth. He wasn't being yet another persons test rat. Not again. Never EVER again. But he was going to have to agree this time, wasn't he?

"I was going to suggest I fool Lewis that I'm keeping you here hostage so he has to come here to get you and I talk some sense into him."  Lucifer chuckled. Jason gave him a deadpan stare.

"Dad you're not faking a hostage situation just so you can speak to Lewis. Are you mental, just go to their house." Jason argued, lucifer chucked holding up a hand

"I'm not done. While I'm doing that , Andrew goes back to the over world, grabs max and brings him here. I have my son back. Lewis has some sense. Everyone wins."

"We don't have Milly." Andrew whispered. "I'm not done in this life until I have her back too. Dad was talking yesterday like she's still alive. Told me to not be so sure. I can still find her. I can! I will! And I'll show Max dad has been lying this whole time. I will"

Lucifer and Jason looked at each other then back at Andrew. It was Jason that spoke.

"Andrew she's.. practically dead. People don't come back when their souls gone to the beyond. Unless she finds a way to kill herself in a nowhere realm she's as good as dead. Besides her bodies been taken to a coma unit down here in Firegate. Dad kinda... stole it from a human morgue."

"But dad ... he faked a funeral and everything."

"There wasn't even a funeral. Fake or not," Lucifer said gently, "he just implanted that up here." He lightly tapped Andrews forehead.

"So let's try you with trance. You're only scared because your dads so abusive. Jason out."


"Please. Out. I want this as safe as I can make it for Andrew"

Jason nodded leaving Lucifer and Andrew alone in the centre of the massive room. Almost suffocating. The massive space clearly fit for demons and nothing but it was intimidating, almost

"So I just want you to breathe. Ok? We're taking this slow." Lucifer started

Andrew nodded just shutting his eyes willing the voice to trust lucifer. Willing him. Because whenever it came to Lewis the voice wouldn't shut up about danger , he wouldn't shut up the entire time before he blacked out

"I don't want to black out..." Andrew whispered quietly.

"I won't suggest amnesia," Lucifer said gently, "you're doing so well just breathe for me. So so well"

As lucifer spoke he just followed along. He just strung words and assurances together , it was pleasant to be reminded he was loved for once. For once in what felt like years.

He was just... adequate


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