7. Blocked

35 11 16

Lewis, Andrew

Andrew sighed deeply as he put his phone down. Trying to force himself through blocked memories was not how he wanted to spend his morning. To make matters worse, Jason had no clue what he was trying to explain nor why he couldn't. Although to Andrew it seemed fairly obvious.

His father happened. That's what. And that was the only thing he knew because aside from some snarky comments made, he didn't really remember anything. It was burry, fractured. Barely anything processed and what was didn't amount to anything.

Footsteps started creaking on the way downstairs. As the saying went—speak of the devil and he shall appear.

"Did you sleep well, Andrew?" Lewis taunted his son as he walked into the kitchen, Andrew didn't face him and instead took a massive sip of his coffee hoping Lewis would just make his tea and leave. He did not- he turned the kettle on and then sat down at the end of the table. Andrew didn't want to continue the conversation so Lewis would have to do it if this was to go anywhere.

A few seconds passed, Andrew could feel his father's eyes burn into him. He knew he had to answer even if that was the very last thing he wanted to do.
"If you count being hypnotised or mind controlled, whatever, into sleep and then being stuck in a nightmare as a result as sleeping under trance 'sleeping well.' Then yes, I slept well father." Andrew mumbled as the kettle flicked off to indicate the water had boiled. Lewis smirked as he stood up to grab a cup for himself. Andrew sighed deeply staring at his phone and the fractured messages that was sent to Jason. Mostly 'umm's' and 'give me a second to think' when asked any sort of question. While Lewis was brewing his tea , Andrew took the chance to down whatever was remaining 0f his coffee and put the cup into the dishwasher.

"Well you didn't stay up all night. So I personally would count that as sleeping well." Lewis added, taking a sip of his now brewed tea. Andrew sighed knowing that he wouldn't win this argument so he just resigned to surface level conversation.

"Well, that.. as-side. Did you sleep well?" Andrew asked. The stutter not really helping with his mission of not sounding scared , Lewis chuckled slightly catching the stutter.

"Yes, Andrew. I did sleep well." Lewis said, chuckling still. His eyes set on his tea, though Andrew knew all Lewis's attention was truly on him. Watching his every action and slight movement. After a brief moment and nothing but the sound of Lewis sipping his tea, Andrew turned around to leave the kitchen.

"Oh Andrew, I'll be—"

"Totally n0t brainwashing Maxwell for three hours then putting him to sleep. Yeah you've been doing this for ten years I get it." Andrew mumbled quietly before feeling his fathers' eyes burn int0 him. He had one chance to make it right.

"But then again, what do I know." Andrew stammered out after a second hoping he saved himself from any trouble he could be in for answering back. Lewis hummed a little before taking a step towards Andrew. Putting a hand on Andrews chin, he lifted the others head up so they were eye level. Andrew held his breath, almost anything could happen.

"That's right Andrew... what do you know? And as we established yesterday, you don't remember any time you listen in... you don't remember last night. So if you don't remember... who's to say you aren't just telling yourself silly stories? Twelve? Please. It's getting old." Lewis hummed as Andrew pulled back , swallowing despite his throat being dry. He knew what he knew was true. Lewis could try all his might to change that but it won't work.

"Yes Dad..." he mumbled as Lewis sat himself at the table, seemingly finished tormenting his son for the moment. Andrew took this chance to escape, to leave the house so he could plan how in the ever-loving fuck he was going to get out of here. He knew he had to do that at least. But how?

The easiest way was probably to just wait until his father was asleep and escape through a window. Hide around Aberdeen until the morning and then take a bus to fuck knows where. Edinburgh? Glasgow? Too obvious. Maybe somewhere like Alves or Portsoy? No.. smaller villages would mean he was found easier. God sake why was running away- or at least planning to- so difficult? Eventually Andrew noticed his fathers eyes resting on him. Uh oh. He was reading his mind, wasn't he

"You know what will happen if you leave. Right Andrew?" He asked in that flowery yet cyanide tasting tone, soft but not in a kind way. "You'll have nowhere to live. You're unemployed so no money either... it'll just be you and that brain of yours... and we both know that's not a pleasant place to live either.." When he finished with his monologue he turned back to his tea. Thankfully done with the conversation. Andrew took this as his chance to leave. Running to the living room, grabbing his keys, and leaving outside. Lewis wouldn't care. All he needed to know was 2 things, was Max ok now, and would he be okay later? He decided he could answer one of those questions now.

Amusingly enough Max had texted him on the way out.

'Are you running away.. don't leave me Andrew... yesterday scared me..'

Tears formed around Andrews eyes as he read the text. With shaky hands, he typed a small response;

'If I run away it will be with you. Please don't listen to him today, please. I know you don't know what I mean. I know you don't know that... Just ignore him, don't sit down.. please.'

Short was possibly an understatement. Andrew started walking again looking for somewhere to grab lunch, he was tempted to just go to ASDA but he needed something a little more comforting.

Or he could just go without. He wasn't hungry and in fact , he wanted to pay Jason a visit. He could probably grab an apple or something while he was there.. then again... Lucifer would probably throw a sandwich at him to be sure he had something to eat and didn't starve.

Tired, he dragged himself to the forest max was apparently found in, because somewhere there was the portal to hell. He wasn't sure where exactly as it had been a while since he had the time to go to see Lucifer and Jason at his house...
He'd find it eventually he knew it. It couldn't be that far...


Authors note; this is the last of all the pre written chapters so I hope to all gods you like this , and that you're willing to wait just a little longer for me to make chapter 8 the best it can be I love you all

The next chapter with be a further exploration into Andrews mental state

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