3. Blur the lines, why don't you?

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A/n; bro I've never completed a chapter 3 before you are all required to be proud of me

Max and Andrew

"I hate this, I hate this... I hate... I hate this." Maxwell repeated the phrase over and over as he shivered on his bed. His room seemed to be colder than it usually was, or was that his anxiety response? What the hell was going on, it's not like he could recall anything going wrong. Nothing ever memorably went wrong in his family. Andrew was happy, Dad was happy...

The only person who wasn't happy was Maxwell himself.
But that was because his shitty memory. Perhaps if he trained himself to remember things better- he'd be happier... but that wasn't how the world worked.

He was sitting with his pet lizard- whom he lovingly called Gary when he was six. It was a birthday present Maxwell got because at that time he was obsessed with any sort of animal. Lewis had to talk him out of getting a pair of frogs as pets.

Gary was a crested gecko, so he was a weird yellow-green colour. Currently, he was staring up at his human owner, probably wondering if he had food.

"Gary... you don't understand human, do you? I think I'll put you back in your cage..." Maxwell mumbled as he stood up with his Lizard. Gary stayed on top of Max's bookshelf on the other side of the room. It was in the exact spot the sun would shine ninety-nine percent of the time. Checking the time now, it was roughly 8:50pm he didn't need to be asleep for another two hours anyway at least so a bit of contemplation wouldn't kill anyone

He sat back in his bed and curled his wings around him. Most t-shirts and pyjamas he owned had a bit cut out in the back so he could stretch his wings. It wasn't healthy to keep wings trapped for so long under fabric because then they became stiff and cramp up.
Which was one of the most painful things to experience as it directly effects the back muscles.

"Shit... what if Andrew isn't lying and I actually have a twin..? No... that girl could've been anybody- I mean I was six and I'm gay... No I didn't realise that until I was eleven... so."

He sighed as he leant against the wall, he closed his eyes and prayed that the whole day was a dream, the whole day wasn't real.

That everything that had happened was a lie.
Gary seemed to chirp as the door opened a few moments later. Breaking out of his make-believe scenario that everything was just fine he let out a sigh

"Fuck off- shit! Sorry dad." Max said quickly snapping his eyes open.

"You're so lucky it's me and not dad, Max." Came a different voice than expected. It was Andrew, he looked tired as he sat down on Max's computer desk. He spun it around as he sat before facing Maxwell.

"What do you want, Andrew? To tell me some other complete lie about my life that someone apparently made up?"

"Maxwell... there's only so much I can lie about."

"Oh! So you ADMIT that you lied to me."

"About some things, yeah."
"So that means you've come in here to lie to me about MORE things and tell me how I should 'forget about this' like the ABSOLUTE piece of SHIT you are." Maxwell spat, not moving from where he was, Andrew sighed lightly.

Considering what he was about to attempt, and what he was about to do, this was not a good start, perhaps if he was to calm Maxwell down, this would run smoother. This would run better.

He'd be able to get the hypnosis shit over and done with.

"Max that... wasn't why I lied to you, in a way it was to keep you safe the only way I know how. If you kept believing what you believe about dad- although you're wrong- he'd have no reason to suspect you know anything. Meaning he can't do anything to me and you won't forget anything more."

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