12. Plan

37 5 9

Lucifer, Jason, Cayden

They spent a while on that couch, completely out of it. Staring at the ceiling in hopes somebody would take front. Andrew wasn't there.. but he was always there. So who..?

Blinking, they looked around slightly, snapping out of it  "Great," the body mumbled, accent a soft attempt at a Londoners "I'm stuck here and I don't even know the layout of this place..."

Cayden sat thinking for a bit before scanning the room, it was pretty he had to admit. Pictures everywhere, obviously a loving family. Who... lived here.

He looked closer , it seemed to be Maxwells dad. The king Satan and his son. What was his name? Jaxon? James? Jason? It was one of those three things anyway; Cayden mentally kicked himself. He should know this. He's been here for years he should know more about Andrews life just in case he had a situation like this.

"Andrew!" A voice said from the door, it was the son. "Are you ok? dad said he tranced you. You don't ... are you ok?" He said , the panic subsiding for confusion. Fuck. Was he masking wrong? He decided to keep his cool , maybe he was just noticing the silence. He wasn't sitting differently, was he? Well... he wouldn't know even if he was.

He really needed to pay attention to front beyond when Andrew was suicidal. Didn't he?

"Yeah I'm ok, why?" He asked, pushing down his accent as far as he could. This appeased the other .. for now. He stopped looking at him suspiciously and began talking about some trivial thing that, to Cayden, really didn't matter. Perhaps it was school gossip? It probably was since Cayden recognised none of the names being mentioned.

"Im going to go to the bathroom." He mumbled excusing himself from the room, wandering through countless corridors to find several bedrooms and bathrooms and cupboards of little importance. He didn't actually need the toilet he just wanted to scope out the layout of the castle to avoid suspicion, that was the last he wanted. He eventually scoped out most of the bottom floor and wandered his way into the kitchen, deciding to make some tea since he was there.

Mr.Morningstar was also there, drinking his own cup. Seemingly lost in thought about some random occurrence. Cayden shrugged discretely making his own tea before sitting beside the other.  He decided to start conversation - it would probably be better for him.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked tilting his head slightly, Mr.Morningstar looked at him for a while. His face stained with black- he must've been properly crying, he didn't even need to know anything about lucifer personally to know he cried a black inky substance. The closest to human cliches Cayden thought demons would ever get. But then again how demons work was the one thing that repetitively surprised him. Always a new variant or something new to note.

"How the fuck am I going to get Max out of his care Andrew?" He mumbled "I just want my kid back, that's not illegal.. is it? To want your kid back after years and years of just.... Missing him? I missed his first word, his first step.. i saw his fist day at school but only because Jason landed in the same class."

"You must really love him.." Cayden mumbled sipping his tea. He looked at the other man properly. He really wasn't anyone important, he was just a tired father. A father who lost nearly everything he had to the bitch that made Cayden.

"Mr.Morningstar?" He paused as he realised he slipped, lucifer seemingly noticing as well but he continued - no point hiding it now. Unless lucifer had a bad reaction but he'll get to that part when he gets there "I'll give him hell for what he did , ok?"

Actually, his accent hadn't shown through so maybe he was safe...

He should probably stop overthinking the whole masking thing. He was probably fine all he had to do was hide the accent and not use formalities for what seemed to be family like that

Jason.. if that's his name.. joined them in the kitchen. Cayden stayed quiet, he wasn't fumbling again.

"Dad I have an idea," He said , which caused lucifer to perk up slightly  "if we kidnap Max, like if we actually do that, we could use that to get Lewis in here..."

"You've said that Jace." Mr.Morningstar added with a sigh

"No listen! If we get him here we could like give him a taste of his own medicine? Metaphorically? You'd have to do it you know trance better than me and he probably has some trigger against me too .. right?"

"If he did I'd kill him." Lucifer mumbled.

"But it's drop a pretty common trigger?" Cayden finally interrupted - lucifer chuckled. Cayden probably missed something if he was getting laughed at, which annoyed him to great lengths.

"Drop is, yeah, but I mean like triggers your brother has. Like blank out. I know that... oh shit"

Cayden wasn't sure what happened . He was present in the room .. and then wasn't. Slumped over the table. Lucifer was a fucking moron, he decided this very instant. He didn't know Lewis used the same trigger sure, but he could've been more careful about it .. to maybe avoid something like this? He just decided to wait it out. Lucifer would fix it. He better anyway because he caused this. They were only going to switch again and it'd be weird

And he was met with the familiar sense of being pulled back. He didn't want to leave yet. Not yet. He still had more to learn about Andrew. He sighed knowing he wasn't going to win a fight with the brain. So instead he let it take him. Why did the brain associate trance so hard with switching? That was horribly inconvenient.. probably because that's how puppet gets into front..

.. oh that would be it. Because it was panic fronting puppet.

They let out a small whine as a migraine formed. Hoping nobody around them noticed. Thankfully, although they wouldn't. Jason was too busy telling off lucifer.

At least they had some semblance of a battle plan now. If it could be called

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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