6. 22/2/15

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Lucifer and Jason.

"Morning Jason." Lucifer said cheerily. Well, it was forced happiness after the events that occurred the day previous. Jason himself hadn't moved or even stirred. Usually Jason would be awake by the time Lucifer came in or he stirred the moment the door opened. So it was strange that today was an exception.

Then he remembered the night previous, with the mind control... and the experiment. Well Lucifer wasn't going to mention the experiment because really, Jason didn't consent and it wasn't exactly fair.

"Right, yes, I put you under mind control last night.... Fuck what was the wake trigger... uh.... Oh right yeah." He sat on his bed beside Jason and snapped his fingers. He just sat quietly for another second or too until Jason made any sort of conscious movement.

"Dadddd its 6am..." Jason mumbled pulling the covers over his head. Lucifer chuckled as he pulled the covered off of Jason's head- his experiment had worked.... Probably.

"Sunday, actually. At 10.55am. Do you not remember what you did yesterday?" Lucifer said, with his eyes glowing.

"Uhhh.... Okay dad what did you do to me?" Jason said sitting up now rubbing his eyes. Lucifer chuckled as he sat on the bed - Jason was way too bright for his own good- of course he was going to work it out.

"Remember when you were explaining how you think some outside source was forcing Maxwell's apparent amnesia?  Well I wanted to test that theory- so based off of Max's experience he described to you a few days ago, I replicated it with seeming amnesia of what occurred yesterday. Sorry Jace, should've asked."

"Its fine dad... its fine... just ask next time, dad, you know I hate forgetting things," He yawned slightly, "But what do you mean, 'based off Maxwell's experience?' Not even I know fully what he experiences and Andrew is banned from speaking to you, right?"

"Just because Andrew is banned from Hell, Jason, doesn't mean he listens to his dad- he's more disobedient than I think I was towards my father... and he'd ask me to get him a pint of ale and I'd come back semi drunk and with half a pint." Lucifer laughed as if it was funny. Jason looked nothing short of being concerned for his father.

"Wouldn't've you have gotten beaten for that?!" Jason asked, now fully awake, aware and pretty concerned for how his father could laugh about being beaten as a child. Granted, at the time that was common as discipline. Not that Lucifer agreed that hitting children was a good idea, in fact he was heavily against the idea, and it just made the children fear you- not obeying because they actually wanted to but obeying in fear of being hit. Which was a horrible way to live your life.

"I was the bad kid, Jason, ask Lewis next time you're forced to interact. Anyway I got Marcus on breakfast, you coming?" Lucifer said standing up and looking at his son. "And making you forget yesterday isn't the only thing I made you do- don't worry about it."

"Thanks, I'm worrying about that now dad." Jason mumbled as he practically rolled onto the floor. Lucifer laughed slightly as he teleported downstairs. Jason laid in the blanket heap for a while thinking. What did his dad do to him if he couldn't remember? If it was Sunday, what was going on with Max? What about Andrew- although nothing really happened to him to Jason's knowledge anyway.

He curled up further in his little blanket heap, refusing to move because honestly? He was tired still. And stressed. Mind control was a great cheat code for getting to sleep but it still didn't mean he was free of nightmares or had a very refreshing sleep.


Downstairs, Lucifer was drinking tea- well more, staring at it. The milky liquid moved round and round the cup as he watched. He, himself, was half asleep. In trance if you will. A habit he had gained from the 200 years of learning hypnosis. Constantly trying to perfect methods- usually on himself or Lewis if Lewis agreed to do so...when they were still on good terms.

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