Chapter 20 - birthday party

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"Thanks for picking me up" I smiled at Caro and Marta as I got into their car.

"Of course! It's your birthday after all. You shouldn't have to take the metro." Caro answered, slowly pulling out of my driveway.

"Are you finally gonna tell me what you guys planned?"

All they had told me was to be ready at 7:30 pm and to dress slightly fancy, which let to me sitting here absolutely clueless, dressed in a short, blue dress.

"No, but you'll find out soon" Marta chuckled, wearing a black blazer with matching pants.

We headed in the direction of the port, before stopping in front of a huge, white house which seemed to be a restaurant, supporting my suspicion that we were going out for dinner.

However, as we left the car, I heard loud music coming out of the building.

"Are you ready?" Caro wanted to know, her hand already wrapped around the doorhandle.

I nodded nervously and she slowly opened the door, letting me enter a room with dimmed lights before her.

"SURPRISE" I was greeted by a chorus of voices. As my eyes acclimated to the lighting, I could see all of my teammates standing in a big room, a buffet set up on the left. On the right, Lucy was waving at me from behind a table with a laptop and speakers, apparently being on DJ duties.

As my jaw dropped, I brought my hand up to cover my mouth. " I..." I stuttered, feeling touched by the gesture of the people I had only met two months ago.

Laura pulled me into a tight hug. "Alles Gute nochmal." ("Happy birthday again!")

"Danke" ("Thank you") I smiled while being led to the buffet, which consisted of different kinds of pizza, crisps and fruits, as well as a huge lemon cake with two candles in the shapes of a two and a four on it.

"Ich soll dir von Klara auch alles Gute wünschen.» ("Klara told me to wish you a happy birthday as well.")

I raised my eyebrow in confusion. "Wann hast du mit ihr gesprochen?" ("When did you talk to her?")

«Sie hat mir vorhin geschrieben, dass sie dir heute Morgen eine Nachricht gesendet hat, du ihr aber noch nicht geantwortet hast. Ist alles okay bei euch?» ("She texted me earlier to tell me that she sent you a message this morning, but apparently you haven't replied. Are you guys okay?")

«Natürlich. Ich hatte heute nur viel zu tun, aber ich antworte ihr nachher gleich.» ("Of course. I just had a busy day, but I'm gonna reply to her in a minute.") I lied, not wanting to go into details as I didn't want the drama at Bayern to cause problems in our national team.

It wasn't like I hadn't seen Klara's message this morning, or the other dozens that she had sent me since our fight two weeks ago, but I just couldn't bring myself to reply to any of them as I was still hurt and confused by her actions.

To avoid any further conversation about this topic, I put two slices of pizza on my plate and made my way over to Alexia, Aitana and Keira who were standing at a small, round table, already enjoying their dinner as well.

"There's the birthday girl" Aitana smiled, putting her arm around me. "I remember when I turned 24."

"That was two years ago!" I laughed. "And yet I'm still taller than you."

"A lot can happen in two years."

"I'm gonna get myself a glass of Sangria, maybe then I can put up with you" I said, pointing to the buffet, after noticing that all the others had a glass in front of them.

Looks can be deceiving (Mapi León x OC)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα