Chapter 44 - gingerbread heart

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A/N: thank you so much for 100'000 views, that's actually insane!!! <3

The rays of the weak December sun softly shone through the curtains of my childhood room, indicating that the days of snow storms were hopefully over. After months of waking up in Barcelona, it took me some time to realize where I was, but once I had opened my eyes and saw the gorgeous blonde still sleeping next to me, I suddenly remembered everything.

Still tired, I moved closer to Mapi, gently putting my arm around her waist as I buried my face in the notch of her neck. The movement caused the blonde to slowly open eye after another, seeming just as confused as I had moments prior.

"Good morning, princesa," she finally smiled, tightly wrapping both of her arms around my body. "Did you sleep well?"

"Morning," I yawned, lifting my head to look straight into the Spaniard's sleepy eyes. "I did, but definitely not enough. How about you?"

"Definitely same," Mapi smirked, her left hand finding the back of my head to pull me in for a kiss. "But it was totally worth it."

"Mhm," I mumbled into the kiss, memories of the last night flashing through my mind as my tongue was dancing with hers. "You know... I could definitely go for round two."

Before Mapi could answer, my phone started ringing loudly, interrupting our kiss. Annoyed, I grabbed the small mobile device of my nightstand, both Mapi and I glancing on the screen to figure out the source of disturbance.

"Why is she calling you at 9 in the morning?" Mapi hissed annoyedly, raising an eyebrow at Sydney's name on the screen.

"No idea," I shrugged, pressing the green button to accept the call, immediately turning the speaker function on for Mapi to listen in. "Hey, Syd."

"Guten Morgen, ("Good morning")" Sydney's voice happily sounded through the speaker while Mapi's eyebrow stayed raised. "Was machst du heute? Wollen wir nach München? ("What are you up to today? Wanna go to Munich?")"

My fingers started to softly caress Mapi's stomach, running up and down her toned abs as I was trying to come up with an answer. After all, I had promised Sydney to see her today, but it was the only full day I'd get with Mapi as the Zaragoza native was flying back to her hometown on the morning of Christmas eve.

"Eigentlich schon, aber Mapi ist noch hier ("theoretically yes, but Mapi's still here with me")," I finally replied evasively, throwing a searching look to the defender who didn't seem to be enjoying the situation very much.

"Nimm sie einfach mit, das wird sicher lustig. Wir können ihr die Innenstadt mit dem Weihnachtsmarkt zeigen? ("Just take her with you, it will be fun! We could show her the city center with the Christmas market?")," Sydney suggested.

"Ich frage sie ("I'm gonna ask her")," I sighed, turning my head completely so I was facing the Spaniard's face, not looking forward to having to ask her that question at all.

Mapi looked at me questioningly as she had obviously not understood anything that's been said. My hand unsurely wandered to her hair, finding a strand to play with. "Mapi...," I started uncertainty, struggling to find the right words. "Would you... maybe... you don't have to say yes, but... would you want to go to Munich with me... and Syndey?"

The blonde's eyes widened in shock, the disbelief written all over her face. "I- I don't really know."

"We can show you the city, I'm sure it will be fun and we can leave whenever you want," I reassured her, my thumb letting go of her hair strand to gently caress her cheek. "And there's a beautiful Christmas market!"

Looks can be deceiving (Mapi León x OC)Where stories live. Discover now