Chapter 30 - travel day

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"Make sure to text me when you get there, okay?" Mapi repeated herself for the millionth time as she navigated us through the busy traffic around the train station Barcelona-Sants.

", baby" I nodded with a big smile on my face.

"Remember, it will be warmer in Murcia than here" the blonde warned me, glancing at me with a worried look. "Make sure to drink enough water."

"I know, Mapi" I laughed as we pulled into a parking spot next to the train station.

Mapi turned the engine off and shifted her body into my direction. "I just don't want you to have another heat stroke."

I firmly put my hand on her arm to calm her down. "Baby, I'll be okay, don't worry."

The Spanish national player, who would take a later train to Madrid in the evening, was still not looking very convinced. "Do you know where to go?"

"Yes, Laura just texted me" I lifted my phone to show Mapi the message. "She's waiting for me at the access to the platforms."

"Did she use her real phone number this time or did she stick to the fake e-mail address?"

"Mapi!" I jokingly slapped her arm. "We still don't know if it was really her."

The tattooed defender grimaced. "You're right. Has that person still not said anything else?"

I firmly shook my head. "When would they have done that without you noticing? We literally spent all week together."

After our anonymous stalker had sent that photo last week, we finally decided to reply with a message to ask them what their intentions were, but we never got an answer. So, we came up with a plan to not tell anyone about us yet and see if there was anyone in the team or staff acting different around us. In retrospect, it was an arguably bad idea as it meant we were much more focused on our detective work instead of football, leading to the both of us being subbed off after halftime when we played Madrid CFF on the weekend. While Mapi didn't seem to mind that she finally got some rest after having played a full 90 minutes in most games this season, I was still upset, so I promised myself to put this whole situation to the side for international break and focus on it whenever we'd be back in Barcelona.

I glanced at the time on my phone and unbuckled my seatbelt. "I need to go."

After we both got out of the car to get my huge bag out of the trunk, I pulled Mapi into a tight hug, trying to get as much of her scent as I possibly could. "I'll miss you so much."

"I'll miss you too, princesa" the blonde stated sadly, quickly scanning the surroundings before she pressed a goodbye kiss on my lips. "Stay safe there! I'll see you in a week when we beat your German asses."

"Hey! Remind me when of the last time you beat us was?"

"Leave!" Mapi laughed, acting all hurt.

I quickly stood on my tiptoes to give her a kiss on the cheek, before making my way to the entrance of the train station. I'd be lying when I say I didn't turn around a thousand times to get a last look at the blonde Spaniard waving me goodbye.

If only I knew what would happen this week, I would have turned around and run back into her arms to kiss her one last time.

But I didn't.

As she said in her message, Laura was waiting for me next to the entry gates for the train station. In Germany, literally anyone can access the platforms at the train station, whereas the Spaniards were acting as if their long distance trains were leaving from an airport. Without speaking much, we passed the entry gates and the security check and made our way to platform 8 from where the only direct train to Murcia would be leaving in 20 minutes.

Looks can be deceiving (Mapi León x OC)Where stories live. Discover now