Chapter 45 - midnight kisses

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A/N: a new character is gonna be mentioned in this chapter...enjoy:)

English is gonna look like this.

As I was brushing my hair, I threw a look in the mirror in front of me, my green eyes blatantly staring back at me. They were the same green eyes as this summer, obviously, but at the same time, they weren't. Deep down, I knew something in me had changed ever since I left Bayern this summer for a fresh start in Barcelona. In retrospect, I could have possibly stayed here in Munich and talked everything out with Sydney as we should have years ago. But I now knew that every decision I had ever taken and every single thing that had ever happened to me, even the worst ones, had led me to Mapi, so I wouldn't have done anything differently.

With the thought of the blonde entering my mind once again, my gaze wandered to my phone screen which had been staying black for the last few hours as the Spaniard seemed to be busy with the preparations for her New Year's party back in Zaragoza. Sighing loudly, I picked it up to call Sydney for the millionth time in the last hour as she had promised to pick me up for the annual New Year's Eve party of the German national team.

Still no answer.

The Bayern Munich player was supposed to arrive at my parents' house at 19:00, so we could order some food and get ready together before leaving for the city at around 21:00.

It was now 20:06. Apparently I had brought the Spanish unpunctuality back to Germany with me.

While I was trying to decide whether I should order food for myself already, I suddenly heard the sound of a car engine coming closer to my house until it stopped.


I didn't bother going down as I knew Sydney wouldn't have any issues finding my room, instead taking the time to reapply my lipstick for yet another time, while my family's voices arose excitedly downstairs. They all seemed more than happy that Sydney was back in my life and even invited her for dinner the other day.

The sound of steps came closer to my door until I heard Sydney opening it carefully.

"Schön, dass du auch endlich hier bist ("Nice that you're finally here")," I scoffed at the German midfielder, my back still turned to her.

"I left you alone in Germany for a week and you forgot how to speak Spanish?" a familiar voice joked, causing me to immediately spin around and stare at no one other than Mapi, who was standing in my doorway next to a grinning Sydney.

"Gefällt dir meine Überraschung? ("Do you like my surprise?")," the tall German asked curiously, her words causing me to finally wake up from my shock, throwing myself into Mapi's arms as she came closer.

Even though it had only been a week since I had last seen her, I had missed her so incredibly much.

"Why- how... what are you doing here? And what about your crutches?" I stammered, lost for words as I buried my head in the blonde's shoulder while her hands firmly pressed me even closer to her body.

"Sydney invited me. How could I say no to that? And I finally got rid of the crutches a few days ago! I thought I'd surprise you," Mapi replied as if it was the most normal thing in the world, her fingers finding their way to my face and lifting it until our gazes interlocked. "And to be completely honest, I missed you terribly, princesa. I just had to see you."

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