Chapter 36 - p*tas alemanas

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A/N: In honor of Leila's iconic quote. Thanks for your service, Leila. We shall never forget.

Also, this chapter is a chaotic mixture of languages.

German is written in German again with a translation.

English looks like this.

And Spanish just looks normal or is Spanish lol.



GK: Merle Frohms
LB: Felicitas Rauch
CB: Sophia Kleinherne
CB: Sara Doorsoun
RB: Maximiliane Rall
DM: Lena Oberdorf
CM: Sara Däbritz
AM: Syndey Lohmann
LW: Klara Bühl
CF: Laura Freigang
RW: Emilia Cortes

Spain: (Vilda if you're reading this, can I do your next lineup? I think I'd do a better job.)

GK: Lola Gallardo
LB: Leila Ouahabi
CB: Mapi León
CB: Laia Aleixandri
RB: Ona Batlle
CM: Patri Guijarro
CM: Aitana Bonmatí
CM: Claudia Pina
ST: Esther González
RW: Athenea del Castillo
LW: Mariona Caldentey

Anxiously, I was playing with the pennant in my hand, moments before we were supposed to leave the changing room for our game against Spain.

To say I was nervous was an understatement.

My whole body was trembling against Sydney's, who was holding me closely, trying to hide my terrible condition from Martina as she would never allow me to go out like this, let alone ever captain again.

"Ich weiche nicht von deiner Seite, bis das Spiel beginnt, Mili." ("I'm not leaving your side until the game starts, Mili") Sydney reassured me once again, gently stroking my hair. "Es wird alles gut." ("It's gonna be okay!")

If she only knew how this game was going to end, she never would have done it.

"V-Versprochen?" ("Pr-promise?") I mumbled, inhaling deeply.

I needed to get my shit together right now.

"Ja, ich verspreche es dir." ("Yes, I promise") Sydney repeated herself for the millionth time, taking my hand to lead me outside. "Und jetzt komm, zeig Ihnen wer unsere Kapitänin ist!" ("Now come on, show them who our captain is!")

I nodded eagerly, opening the door to lead our team outside, still holding Sydney's hand.

First mistake.

The Spanish team was already lined up, Vilda giving last instructions to the blonde girl standing in the front of the line as she was firmly holding a pennant herself.

You've got to be kidding me.

Shocked, I turned around to Sydney, squeezing her hand. "Warum ist sie die fucking Kapitänin?" ("Why is she the fucking captain?")

Thankfully, I knew they wouldn't understand us speaking German, but I lowered my voice nevertheless as we reached the front of the line, Mapi's presence instantly hitting me.

"Ich weiss es nicht." ("I don't know") my friend mumbled just as confused.

My gaze wandered over the Spanish lineup.
With Alexia still injured and Irene and Jenni not starting, it logically left the captain position to Mapi ever since she became the 4th Spanish captain a few months ago.

But until today, she had never fulfilled that role.

With a loud sigh, I let go of Sydney's hand, trying to secretly study Mapi from the side. I could tell that she was trying hard to look straightforward after Vilda had left her, but once or twice I caught her glimpsing in my direction.

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