Chapter 34 Bullying

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That's how things settled.

Just a few days after Li Zheng sent the news, almost half of the people in the village came.

Men sign up to reclaim land to build houses, and brothers or women think about cooking for them. Lu Ciyu gave people twenty-five copper coins a day, and a few more coins were about the same as the wages of the gentlemen in the town, not to mention that he also provided meals? No matter how the villagers are counted, they will not suffer.

The autumn harvest is coming to an end and winter is approaching, and every family wants to save more money for the New Year before the snow falls.

Lu Ciyu was very impatient and asked Lin Chi to deal with these aunts who wanted to come to the house. It wasn't enough for Lin Chi to accompany him. How could he have time to watch them gossip? Why didn't Lin Chi watch these people come out to help when he was bullied before?

Resolutely sending away another wave of "reluctant" crowds, Lu Ciyu closed the door and leaned against it, and simply decided to put everything on Lin Rong's head and let him handle it.

It's better to keep him dazed than to watch him hold the doll for a few hours in a daze.

As Lin Chi said, Lin Rong is capable and cautious.

When he first heard that Lu Ciyu had arranged such a task, he refused. But Lu Guixi went into the city that morning to find Xue Yu and brought back a cow that had just given birth, saying that it would be raised for a few days. In the afternoon, Lu Ciyu gave some fresh milk in the space in the name of the cow's milk production. Lin Rong had to obediently and carefully selected ten men who signed up.

This person has a very delicate heart, and the people he chooses are all down-to-earth, willing to work and not to be lazy, and they all have a good relationship with Lin Chi. Most of them were children from the brothers' families that Lin Chi's father knew, and who had been a bully and bullied and teased Lin Chi, but he didn't choose.

Lu Ciyu didn't know the twists and turns inside, and he was a little stunned when he heard the number of people - ten people, how could it be enough to reclaim wasteland and build houses? Zhidao Lin didn't react until he explained it late.

Lu Ciyu held Lin Chi's hand and taught him to write a list of lists, and felt more and more that Lin Rong could be used.


Just after the autumn harvest, the Lu family started work.

He also wanted to give the villagers a time to rest, but the interval between autumn and winter in this different time and space is not long. Hearing Lin Chi say that the transition to winter is almost a blink of an eye.

It is an unwritten rule in the village not to move the soil in winter.

It is also because the land freezes and stiffens in winter, and it takes twice as much manpower to work in vain. Besides, it is cold in winter, and sweating to work in alternating hot and cold will inevitably lead to illness, and it is difficult to wear a lot of clothes.

Therefore, Lu Ciyu could only direct them to start work.

What Lu Ciyu planned was a blue brick house, not a grass hut with earth walls. Bricks can only be burned in a village a few miles away. However, the distance is long, and the bricks cannot withstand bumps. I am afraid that they will be broken a lot when they are transported.

Fortunately, there is also a brick factory in the town, and Lu Ciyu still used Lu Guixi to take Xue Yu's line and then contacted the person to place the order.

It takes a lot of work to burn bricks, and the amount he needs is huge, and the stones have to be mined on the spot. Lu Ciyu asked Lin Rong to lay the foundation first and then go to reclaim the wasteland. When the bricks and tiles were in place, they went directly to build a house.

Lu Ciyu's idea is very beautiful. Originally, I thought about leaving everything to Lin Rong, and then hugging my daughter-in-law to bed/sleep crookedly. Who would have thought that all the men in the village were big boys and three thick men who were illiterate.

The drawings that Lu Ciyu handed in are quite detailed, and there are notes on every tree and tree to explain that it is a fool's strategy. I don't know what it means.

Young Master Lu was woken up from the bed, and he went to his newly-bought farmland with messy hair and a gloomy Zhang Jun face.

With a cold face, he took the pen and explained everything to Lin Rong carefully, then turned around and left to go home. As soon as he opened the door and entered the courtyard, he saw Lu Guixi holding a piece of Shen Mu thinking about what to engrave.

A light bulb flashed on Mr. Lu's forehead—yes! Isn't Lu Guixi literate!

So Lu Guixi was forced to take over the role of the villagers' action advisor.

Lin Rong chose two aunts who were in charge of cooking. Coincidentally, they were the two who quietly watched Lin Er Auntie perform in Lu Ciyu's courtyard.

The yard that Lu Ciyu rented was too far from the address of the new house. To be precise, the address of the new house was far from anywhere in the village, and it was really inconvenient to go back and forth. A few men bowed their heads and discussed, and simply built a temporary grass and wood house beside the new house and built a stove.

Every morning, someone brought food from the Lu family and sent it there. The two aunts cooked it there, and when it was time for dinner, everyone started eating.

Lu Ciyu doesn't care about these grains. Asking people to help them always has to give them enough to eat. Every time he gives Lu Guixi a lot of things, he has a dozen mouths open and there is still room to eat. Lu Ciyu didn't want them to take it back. Everyone should discuss and share the rest of the meals.

He eats well and can eat enough, and he has meat at noon, and the meaty food he brings back can also satisfy his wife and children. For a time, these families were envied, and it was even a blessing to be able to work in the Lu family.

Lin Chi was pestered by Lu Ciyu for several days, and finally went out after finding some free time. Young Master Lu didn't know what happened during this time. He was extremely clingy and couldn't leave his sight for a single minute.

Lin Chi was a little breathless under his control, and whispered something at certain moments in the night. He thought that Lu Ciyu would refuse as usual, but he did not expect that the other party just thought for a moment and then agreed.

Lin Chi was a little surprised - this really doesn't look like Lu Ciyu's style of doing things.

But he stayed in the house for a few weeks, facing only Lu Ciyu, even Lu Guixi seldom saw him, he really missed the outside. At dawn the next day, he refused to go out alone with Lu Ciyu, who was with him.

Before Lin Chi could walk a few steps, he saw many people gathered around to greet him, causing him to be confused and uneasy-this was a treatment he had never encountered before.

These aunties are also uncomfortable. After Lu Ciyu and Lin Chi got married, they looked at people closely, and would not let them leave one step outside. Wanting to talk to Lin Chi in private, Young Master Lu didn't refuse, but silently stared at you with a blank expression on his face.

He is obviously just a weak scholar, and he is usually gentle and gentle, but at this time, he just saw a bit of murderous intent. They were all ordinary women in the countryside. They were frightened by the hair he looked at, and the topic trembled and vaguely passed by.

Even when he was a little closer to Lin Chi sometimes, he would look at you with those terrifying eyes.

This was the first time Lin Chi appeared alone in front of people after they got married, and it was really a rare opportunity.

Thinking of this, these people are no longer afraid, and quickly squeezed forward.

"Brother Chi, it's me. Is there still a shortage of people in your family? Our family, Fu'er, is staying at home with nothing to do...". The aunt grabbed his sleeve and said.

Lin Chi struggled uncomfortably, but the aunt was so tight that she couldn't break free. He secretly said to himself, "Is it okay to find a job in the countryside?" But he hesitated, "Everything at home is done by Mr. Lu... the husband is in charge, and I don't know."

He has been married to Lu Ciyu for so long, and the other party's attitude towards life has also learned a little bit: if you can't expressly reject it, you can be vague.

Unexpectedly, the aunt stared at that time: "Brother Chi, my aunt told you that you can't listen to your husband in everything. The more obedient you are, the more he thinks you are boring, and you should think about finding something new in the future. yes."

"Young Master Lu looks amazing. If he gets tired and crooked, he will marry a young and beautiful one another day, and then you won't have a place to cry.

" I'll cheat you."

...Impossible... Young Master Lu is not such a person!

Just as Lin Chi was about to argue, another person beside him continued to speak loudly: "That's right, isn't that the one in my parents' village? What the wife said, she didn't dare to refute a word. As a result, she couldn't marry a man. After three months, I got bored and got along with the little widow at the village."

There were people beside him constantly responding, Lin Chi was surrounded by a circle, and every time he opened his mouth, he was pushed down. The people around him kept talking one after another, every word he wanted him to hold the power of the family in his hands, and wanted him to confuse Lu Ciyu.

He couldn't utter a single word, and only knew that he would repeat the word "no" numbly, and he was as isolated and helpless as if he was trapped in an isolated island.

Lin Chi hugged his head and was about to scream, when a stern shout came from a distance: "What are you doing!"

Everyone looked up, and saw Lu Guixi carrying a wild boar on one shoulder, and holding a piece of withered grass in his hand. The temporary mat, dragging another small one on the mat, looked at them with a cold expression.

That wild boar must have weighed a hundred kilograms at a glance, so it was carried by a brother on his shoulders... About the length of a finger of an adult man's fangs, it was scary to look at.

The wild boar's brain seemed to be smashed with blood and flesh, and there was a blood hole in the abdomen, and the blood continued to flow out, soaking Lu Guixi's small body.

Lu Guixi glanced at the people in the circle, and said expressionlessly, "Go away."

He looked very terrifying, and the woman who had just said the most trembled.

When they first learned about Lu Guixi, they liked him very much, and for nothing else, this face was too beautiful. It's a pity that he's a little colder, but it's just right to marry his son back.

Later, I heard that he was married and killed the Lu family, and all the previous thoughts were gone.

There is also no shortage of Liuzi in the village who took a fancy to his face, and while he was out to molest him, I heard that he is still lying in bed recovering from his injuries.

Lin Chi didn't know where the messy words in the village came from. He was startled when he saw Lu Guixi's appearance.

The people around him left angrily, and Lin Chi hurried forward: "Are you alright! You are still injured!"

"Nothing." Lu Guixi said indifferently.

Lin Chi nodded, not knowing what to say.

He was still immersed in the words of the previous people, and he took out some embarrassment of being smashed by idols.

Lu Guixi looked at his expression and said indifferently: "Shen."

"Ah?" Lin Chi stared at him blankly.

"Shen." Lu Guixi said again.

The tone of his speech was flat, as if he was just stating a fact.

He threw the little wild boar in his hand to Lin Chi, turned around and walked towards Lu's house.

Lin Chi was staggered by the sudden heavy pressure, and hurriedly hugged to keep up with the pace of others.

Here, Young Master Lu was drawing Xue Yu's draft of the appointment with a listless head and a sluggish head, and the faint worries and regrets gradually rose in his heart. After finally waiting for the sound of the door opening, he immediately threw his pen and rushed out. When he saw Lu Guixi carrying a wild boar on one shoulder, he was startled: "You still have a wound on your shoulder! Are you afraid that the wild boar blood will infect the wound? !"

Lu Guixi raised his eyes to look at Lu Ciyu, his eyes were full of vigilance and fear.

He couldn't understand the meaning of infection, but he could probably guess what the other party said: "A mere arrow

wound is nothing." Things aren't bouncing around?

Lu Ciyu is about to be laughed at by the popularity, who gave you the courage? Are you the protagonist of this world?

Lu Guixi originally wanted to find out if there was any wood that he could agree with, but he didn't expect to find traces of large animals before walking too far up the mountain. He thought that Lu Ciyu had been staying at home for the past few days, that the pheasant and hare that had been marinated before could not withstand a dozen people's meals, and that there was not much prey left in the kitchen. When I went over, I saw two wild boars, one big and one small, and they beat them back.

Although his appearance looked scary, he was careful to notice that the new injury did not add to the old one.

Lu Guixi put the things on the table: "Keep the wild boar belly, it can be used as medicine."

Lu Ciyu waved her hand and turned to go into the house to see Lin Chi.

Lu Guixi fetched water and went back to the house to wash up. When he saw that Lin Chi was not in the courtyard, he whispered, "I'm going to be late."

"As you wish, your family Lin Chi was really bullied."

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