'Chapter 8'

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I stood in a plain room. I had gotten some ballet pointe shoes from a box in an old room in the the compound. I slipped them on and started stretching. I then stood with the pointe shoes and started humming the old piano melody we used to dance to in the Red Room. I started dancing the choreography that had been melted into my brain since I was 6 years old. I dancing, jumping and doing plies. I moved my arms with the right ballet movements.

'Fourth position, Third position.' I repeated in my head. I then heard the door open and saw Winter and froze. He gently shut the door behind him and quietly moved to the corner of the room and sat down.

"Не останавливайся, пожалуйста (Don't stop, please.)" He whispered loud enough for me to here. I got back into starting position and then started again. humming the music to myself and and performing the choreography. I then got the end and ended in my last pose. I stood straight and walked over the bar. I placed one hand and practiced all the positions as Winter watched me in the corner.

"Твоя рука в порядке? (Is your arm okay?)" He asked. I nodded my head.
"Все еще больно, но боль делает нас сильнее. (Still hurts, but pain makes you stronger.)" I answered. I turned to him and walked over to him and sat next to him. we both sat in silence, staring at the wall in front of us.

"I wanna get out of here." Winter mumbled in English.
"There is no escaping HYDRA or the Red Room, they will track you down if you even manage to get out of here alive." I mumbled.

"And you know what they say," He started. I turned to him and frowned.
"You can't wake up this is not a dream." He mumbled.
"You're part of a machine, you are not a human being."
"Face all made up, living on a screen."

"So we run on Gasoline." I sighed looking at him.


I sat on the rooftop with all my weapons. I was only needed if the helicarrier's didn't make it up in the air. I listen to my earpiece. I heard yells and gunshots coming from my ear piece. I looked out across the water and saw it opening up. That must be where the helicarries where took off from. I watched as three large flying crafts rose from the three holes and into the sky.

I then spotting someone with wings and someone dressed in blue running across the runway. I grabbed my sniper and aimed for them. I had to stop them. I aimed for the man with wings and shot multiple times but they had no effect to the man. He must of been wearing something bulletproof. I then shifted my aim to the blue man. I shot but he used his shield to block the bullets. I spoke out to my ear piece.

"I see Captain America and the man with wings advancing onto the helicarries, I tried shooting them but they blocked the bullets with their own sort of shields." I spoke.

"We're kind of busy here, if you can't tell. Captain has somehow shifted these people's minds, they are resisting." I sighed.

"Send in the Winter Soldier and let him deal with them." Brock called.


"They have locked one of the helicarries, They need two more and we have failed." Someone called.

"I'm going in, I am sick of being help on the roof if I can't actually help." I stood to my feat shrugging off my overtop. I climbed the ladder down and then walked into the building. I held my gun out and I cautiously walked my way inside. I walked to the elevator and got inside. I shot at anyone that tried to shot at me. I walked down a hallway and heard someone puffing and walking down the other way.

I quickly walked and hid behind the wall. I waited till they got closer and then struck. I turned punched the blonde hair lady knocking her to the ground. She swung her feet around knocking my ankles out from beneath me. I tucked and rolled out of the way landing in the three point landing pose. I then rolled towards the woman kicked her face with my boot instantly knocking her out. I puffed and stood to my feet and continued down the hallway, my gun out ready. I turned the corner to see Brock and froze.

"Sir the councils been breached," Someone calls.
"Repeat dispatch." Brock said, gun still pointed at me.
"Black Widow's up there." He answered. He looked at me and nodded his head.
"You with me Widow, We're headed up." He called. He walked over to the door and started walking up the stairs. I took a deep breath and then started following him. We walked out and stalked our way up to the councils office.

"We're on 41, headed towards the southwest stairwell." He walked through the door and I saw the man from the highway land a punch on him square in the head. I quickly slid over to the wall and pressed my back to it. I could hear them fighting from outside.

"Brock is compromised, is their another way to get up?" I asked.
"Help him damnit!" Someone yelled. I looked around to see them really sparring against each other. Brock then pushed the man to the floor.

"This is going to hurt, there are no prisoners with HYDRA only order." Brock said. Either I go up or help Brock, I didn't entirely want to do either.

"And order only comes with pain. You ready for yours."

"Man shut the hell up!" The man called. I then hurt their grunting again. I turned and saw the man and Brock fighting, punching and kicking. I heard Loud gunshots coming from outside.
"What's happening?" I yelled into my earpiece.
"They're shooting each other down." Confused I stood up and ran to the nearest room and ran inside. Shooting it's occupancies.

I looked out the window in the room to see the three helicarries shooting at each other. two of them crashed into each other and descended into the river and then I saw the third. It was going to crash into the building. My eyes widened. I ran out of the room and back down the hallway. I ran inside locking my gun into it's holster. Brock had been punched and was bending over. I ran and swept my legs over Brocks back and wrapped them around the Man's neck and swung around making him fall to the ground. I stood straight over the man who crawled away.

"Come on Brock, stop. We have to move, the helicarries are coming down." I yelled at the man. He looked up at me, his lip busted and nose bleeding. I looked behind me and saw the large burning piece of metal. I looked down and saw the man jump up and start running, so did I. I ran and ran, feeling the floor beneath me start to bend. I ran faster than the man and shot at the window causing it to shatter. I then jumped out. The wind rushed past me as I fell and I saw a large black helicopter. I turned and saw the man next to me.

I fell and started flying closer to the helicopter. I knew it was going to hurt. I shut my eyes and felt the wind of the helicopter fly past me and I continued my fall, coming closer and closer to the ground. shut my eyes and felt my legs come in contact with the ground. I then tucked and rolled. My body rolled about 3 meters and I looked up at the hell the world had caused. I gasped for breath. I stood up felt a sharp pain in my ribcage. I groaned but still stood.

I sat up and climbed to my feet and saw the final helicarrier slowly descend to the lake. I then spotted him. A blue man falling from the helicarrier, that must be Capitan America. Then the second man came falling out. There he was, there was Winter. I knew they were bound to come out of the lake so I ran. I ran around the shattered SHIELD base and to the shore line. The water was ragged but I hid in the tree line. I saw Winter lugging a body out of the water. I ran over to them. Winter stood, looming over Capitan America's body.

"I remembered him." Winter spoke. I knew what that meant. I knew HYDRA brainwashed him, so badly he couldn't remember anything. But if he was remembering him, then that was a sign he was healing.
"Winter, remember how we talked about escaping HYDRA?" I questioned, he turned to me and nodded.
"We might never get another chance like this," I continued. I quickly took a seat on the sand and grabbed my knife I hid in my suit. I took a deep breath and carefully cut into my thigh, cutting the suit and the top layer of skin. I bit my lip concealing scream I would of released. I dug around my thigh and found what i was looking for. I flicked out the tracker the Red Room had planted inside o
"Let's go." I grabbed his flesh arm and started walking to a nearby road, knowing that in all this chaos, someone would of forgotten to lock their car.

• Winter Widow • 1On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara