'Chapter 46'

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The bell rung and I collected my stuff from my locker. I followed Betty with some of the other girls and we stopped out the front of school until we had everybody. I saw Levi and his other friends walk over to us.

"Hey," He smiled as he came over.
"Hey Stalker."
"Have a good weekend!" He smiled as he kept walking towards a car waiting for him.
"You too!" I called out behind him and he smiled and turned around, giving me a thumbs up. I watched as he got into his car and I felt myself laugh as I saw a woman in the drivers seat lean out and point to me before waving.

Levi visibly embarrassed as he held his head in his hands as they drove off.

"Alright we have everyone, let's go!" Betty smiled.
We walked to a cute little house with a porch and I thanked Betty as she held the door open for us as we walked inside. It was a very open house and I could see in the living room where it had been moved so we could put beds and pillows down.

"Feel free to put your stuff down anywhere." Betty offered. All the girls dumped their stuff where they were standing but I took a few steps over to the walls and neatly put all my stuff away together.

"My idea for tonight is a Movie Marathon or we could play truth or dare. I want gossip about our year." She smiled.

"What movies are we marathoning?" A girl asked.
"I was thinking 2000's girl rom coms or something stupid like that?" Betty smiled. There were a few cheers and claps.

"Now we're talking!"

"Get settled in, PJ's on Me and Lilly are getting popcorn and snacks. Grab your PJ's we will get changed." I grabbed my PJ's from my bag before she grabbed my hand and stood up, leading me to the kitchen. I sat on one of the barstools as she scooped out her kitchen.

"I uh invited some of the boys they are coming over in a little bit. I told them PJ's, you brought some cute PJ's right?" She asked.
"I brought the PJ's I sleep in? I don't know what you mean by cute ones?" She shook her head, by now she had thrown all sorts of candy and chocolate and sweets onto the kitchen island and she had put popcorn into the microwave.

"Okay you come with me, we will grab the popcorn in a little." She walked out of the kitchen and down a small hallway to a bedroom and she immediately kept walking to a huge walk in wardrobe. She threw me a few options. All small shorts and tops and I starred at them.

"I uh, thank you so much for the offer but I think I'm going to stick to the ones I bought." I smiled. She shrugged her shoulders.

"Alright but you can always borrow a pair. You can get changed in there." She pointed to a door and I nodded. I walked over and shut the door, turning on the light and seeing a cute small bathroom. I quickly got changed into a white long sleeved top that had cute but necessary buttons and some checkered red and black shorts that were on the shorter but oh well. I grabbed my other clothes and stepped out of the bathroom to see Betty already ready in some cute pink PJ's. She smiled and jumped up.

"I pretty sure that was the beep for the popcorn." She chuckled pulling me down the hallway. I helped her pour the popcorn into a bowl and then grabbed a tray for the rest of the snacks. We walked back into the living room and sat the treats on a small table in the middle.

All of the other girls were already ready laying on the couch and they had gotten pillows and blanket's on the floor. There was a knock on the door and Betty jumped up.

"Who's that?" One of the girls asked.

"The boys if course," She chuckled and everyone's faces lit up. She opened the door and I smiled as they came in, all in PJ's bringing snacks. I smiled as Levi came in and immediately meet my eyes and his smile lit up.

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