'Chapter 35'

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I woke up still wrapped in Bucky's arms, his rhythmic breathing comforting me, it reminds me of being in Europe with I'm, waking up mornings slow, my only worry was if we had enough flour to make the pancakes.

I felt his hand gently squeeze my should and looked up to him. His eyes trained on me.
"What's wrong doll, are you okay?" He asked.
"Just us a bad dream," I answered.
"What about?" He asked.
"Nothing for you to worry about I promise." I smiled.
"Missions handouts." I walked into the conference room with Bucky behind me. Fury was there handing out missions to everyone, I didn't receive one. I saw Bucky looking down at him with a hint of worry in his eyes. I walked over to him and smiled.

"What's up Buck?" I asked. He shut the file and shook his head.
"Everything's fine Lil," I nodded and took my seat at the table next to Wanda and Bucky.

Fury was telling us what we do as Avengers, why we do it and what we stand for, helping people and defeating evil for the greater good or something like that. I saw the file Bucky had that sat on the table next to him. I turned to Wanda and grabbed hers, she smiled as I though about and she read my mind.

I quickly swapped Bucky's mission for Wanda's in the same place so Bucky didn't know that his was gone. I opened the file and read it.

'Bucky Barnes, Mission Report with Steve Rodgers, Clint Barton and Wanda Maximoff.

Hydra base lookout and takedown.
Mission will take place over 5 weeks, the first three as watching and collecting information.
The last two plotting and going completing the mission.

Communication - every 9 days.'

Bucky was going away for five weeks and could only communicate with me every nine days. I swapped the missions back and continuing thinking about the mission for the rest of the meeting. This mission will take place in 2 months.
I sat on the couch with a bowl of popcorn in my hand. I watched as Sam choose a dumb movie on the TV. Yelena came and sat down with us as Bucky also followed. He sat down next to me and wrapped an arm around me.
"So what's the deal with this?" I picked up a small handful of popcorn and held it in my hand.

"Sam picks out a dumb movie for us to watch because we missed all those while we were busy being psycho assassins. I through up a piece of popcorn and through it up and caught it effortlessly in my mouth.

"It's a good one tonight, Bambi!" I looked up as the, Disney animation started. I rested my head in Bucky's shoulder and looked up a small smile played on his lips.
I remember sitting in a HYDRA cell, by myself. I was about to go insane when Winter was shoved inside, he and I had become close, Winter and Widow as we called each other. I remember sitting in silence, starring at the blank wall, slightly blood stained but what else was true.

"Do you remember your past Winter?" I questioned, breaking the silence.
"Not really, I have flashbacks like broken shards falling back into place." He answered.
"Tell me one, good or bad, I would prefer to listen to your voice and story than hearing HYDRA torturing someone," I can hear their scream echoing. He sighed before I rested my head in his shoulder.

"I remember a short blond haired boy, he's in a lot of my memories, we were dressed up and were going out. I remember watching a screen with bright flashing images and music and storytelling. Like a book brought to life that was playing out in front of me. I never got to see the end, the blond boy was back again, getting beaten up by a guy twice his size. I helped him finish the fight. I think we missed the end but I didn't care." He told me.

I smiled trying to image the boy and flashing moving images in front of me. I knew that if we ever got out of here we would go out together, get dressed up as they did, and see one of whatever they'd re called, maybe the same one so my Winter could finally see the end of it.'
I felt someone gently tapping my shoulder and I woke up, hearing the end credits of the movie. I turned around still in a sleepy haze to see Yelena laughing at Sam who was crying, I chuckled as she through a pillow at him.

"How are you not crying that is the saddest movie I swear." He questioned.
"It's a movie about a talking deer it's all fake." She answered.
"So what it's still sad."
"Bucky told me you had a bad dream?" My therapist asked me. I sighed and nodded.
"A flashback?" She questioned. I shook my head.
"It wasn't real, it was just a dumb nightmare with not so very nice people from my past." I answered.
"It's not exactly my job to here the blunt of it, I want every detail so I know how to help you." She tugged, waiting for me to open up.

"Draven Dreykov, one of my favourite people," I started in a sarcastic voice. "He was there, telling me to choose between my Mother, who's spoiler alert dead, and Bucky. He gave me a gun and immediately I choose him and tried to shoot him instead of, my options but it didn't exactly work. He then went on to shot both of them and call me the monster in which I didn't take exactly well." I let out the last part, I myself was still confused. I knew there was no possible way she would understand.

"You watched as he shot them both in front of you that's traumatic." She started.
"Nothing I haven't seen before, I'm used to it." I sighed.
"You know that's not normal, a kind and young girl like you should never say seeing someone get shot as normal. You need to feel emotion feel empathy. I knew all those years you were the Winter Widow you were taught not to have emotion and to see traumatic things as-"

"Making the world a better place," I mumbled, HYDRA speaking from me. She smiled at me sympathetically.

"Exactly, now I have some things here to help you because I know you don't want help but know that help is  always here for you when you need it." She handed me a sip of paper which I put into my bag.
I walked into school with Peter next to me. I saw a boy with brown hair and blue eyes starting at me, I had never seen him before but I still kept walking. I stoped at Peters locker and waited for him to get his stuff before someone came and tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw Betty Brant smiling at me.

"Hey Betty," I started.
"Hey Lily, I uh need to talk to you," he eyes quickly going from Peter back to me, hinting she wanted to talk to me alone.
"Uh yeah sure, I'll be right back Parker." I smiled and then walked of with her to a quieter part of the hallway.

"Did you see the boy with brown hair and blue eyes in your way in starring at you?" She asked. I nodded.
"He's Levi, Levi Ashbourne. He's the school's-"
"Golden boy, let me guess good at academics and at sport. Chosen for everything and is good looking on the plus side?" I questioned, his face were in countless photos in the school website.

"Pretty much, I really didn't think he could be summed up in a sentence but here we are." She sighed.
"Well he's back from a trip from England where he was getting mentored by a soccer team or something and he has his eyes on you. I mean who wouldn't? You pretty and smart and might I say you have an amazing figure. Your everyone's crush at the moment I swear, and your new. Sit with us at lunch, we can really help you." She offered.

"Will that Liz girl be there?" I questioned.
"Look Liz feels threatened by you so that whole thing last Friday she was just, I don't know. She and Levi have a long history and she's uh going to do everything in her power to keep him away from you. Be warned. She doesn't entirely sit with us, she'll Fock back to Levi now that he's back so that leaves an open sit for you, please just one lunch?" She begged.

"Fine, yeah. I'll see you at lunch." She nodded, smiling, before walking away. I walked back to Peters locker right as he shut it. He looked from Betty and then back to me.

"What was that about?" Peter asked.
"Oh nothing. Don't worry about it." I reassured.

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