Space Space Vol. 1.1

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 In a very much abandoned and very much forgotten, space quadrant of the Onyx center; three friends' fish for crystal whoopers. The trinity of friends did not come here for the beauties of dying stars that lit the dark side of the planet they were on. Nor did hey want to hunt for crystals that illuminated when organic beings were close. Not even to drink from some of the healthiest spring waters in the quadrant. Not even for the volcanic sands. Not even to bathe in the rejuvenating gamma rays of the suns. They were catching fish that ferment crystals underneath their large scales. With proper refinement tools those crystals could get refined into verde crystals. Verde Crystals can then be traded-in to make very rare Wasimo Cards. Wasimo is the most popular card game in all the galaxies. You get the idea now? These three best friends were space fighters who happen to be big nerds.

"Any more bites on your end Foe?" asked Ricutsu. He was below the average height of six foot, in his early twenties with a witty like baby face, walnut brown hair and common dark red eyes. Even with slacks on, his build made him look like a gymnast. "Foe? Bro, c'mon."

"I'm sorry kiddo, I set my droid to fish," said Foe. The oldest of the friends and above average height. His face was always stuck in study mode, notable dark hair, and eyes like the volcanic sands. What he lacked in being nimble, he made up for in his high intellect of anything that could be called an electronic. "I'm taking this time to map out the area forty percent better, and I was seeing if I can get my satellite out here to get better Wi-Fi."

"Yes, please! Wi-Fi upgrade- make it happen," said Neno. Sitting at average height and only a year younger than Foe. A care free mature face with short blonde hair, and common dark blue eyes. People who didn't know him would call him the muscles, but he was only bulky because he lugged around special grade heavy weapons. "Oh, I did get another bucket full, my bait is working like a charm!"

"Score!" said Ricutsu. "If only we had help from our estrange-"

"Hey, I put Droidio to fish!" said Foe.

"Droidio is doing best fishing possible," said Droidio, reeling in his fishing rod and waiving it. Droidio was a Droid made by Foe's with not that much creativity. Droidio was modeled after a shoebox, but with a hexagon head and a short antenna. The silver casing with red lights made him look very dull and average, but he was programing made him adorable. Even with wonky retractable hands and feet, his potential was yet untapped. "Is Droidio not doing your fishing good?"

"Oh no, you're doing great Droidio!" said Ricutsu, quickly in a coach like manner.

"Keep up the good droid work," said Neno, with an unsure face and shrugging his shoulders.

"Droidio, we love you," said Foe, with a fatherly sense of motivation.

"Droidio, will fulfill this fishing!" said Droidio, as he made what seemed to be cheerleader gestures. "Droidio will also order the Wi-Fi satellite from Honorable Foe's ship, to move faster to us. We seem to be missing social media and above important notifications.

"Thanks, Droid Boy. Please double time on that Wi-Fi," said Neno, reaching down and patting Droidio.

"My comics were late again I bet," said Foe, nodding and adjusting his shade helm. "Well, the good news is my shade helm is getting better connections now that I rerouted a satellite, or two. Were you guys expecting any calls or text because I was not and my helms' saying I have five calls loading and five more pending notifications."

"How come you don't use that brain of yours more often?" said Neno, checking his link arm band. "Couldn't you just buy a high intellect droid. It's getting kinda weird parenting your custom droid. I'm sure if you asked us nicely, we could have all chipped in and helped Space Santa get you a top shelf droid."

Space Space : Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now