Space Space Vol. 1.2

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The three were blasting out of the planets orbit in silence. Things were already quite in this quadrant but now it was even more so. They took this time to wash up and when they thought they arrived they halted on Foe's command. A strange drop in telecommunication signal. They all, unfortunately, forgot to add the flight path of the nearest warp gate to their ships. All their links were of no-good use too. In short, the Wi-Fi took a dump.

"Couldn't hear you from back there, Rotten Egg," said Ricutsu. He had reread a comic he had at least three times over, and his nails were getting shorter by the minute. Glancing over at the time, indeed it was taking along time to get to the warp gate.

"Hey now, at least this Rotten Egg knew we had no signal," replied Foe, making light of an impatient Ricutsu. "Can't believe Neno didn't save the flight path."

"What, now it's my fault!" said Neno, throwing another dart at his dart board. His cruiser, unlike the others, had a bit more leg room so he was the least stressed of the bunch. "I, just like you and Ricutsu, rely on the internet to text, talk and NAVIGATE so don't go pointing fingers; Rotten egg." Ricutsu and Neno busted out laughing; even Droidio went off on a laughing tangent.

"I just typed the coordinates I kind of remembered and bolted to my shower," said Ricutsu, beginning to do push-ups. "So, once you pulled the ol, guys wait I just wanna send a quick text, I pumped the brakes."

"Oh, just like the Flash in today's issue," said Droidio, making a runners pose.

"Wait what, how do you know what todays issues is?" asked Foe, as he continued to type code on his link tablet.

"Well, you have programmed me to put the download of comics on priority over the download of work. I followed comic book protocols, and communicated this command to the source."

"Droidio, explain source."

"There is a current lock on Wi-Fi by an unknown source to me, but if we reach the warp gate, I can identify and learn this source. I will also be able to unlock the hold of the Wi-Fi in this quadrant. My deduction. Origin of source is war enemy or space bandit. Please prepare for apprehension protocol, as warp gate tampering is a space violation."

"The Wi-Fi is being tampered with. This could be bad. Droidio, can you-,"

"I sent the flight path to all our ships, and added to favorites. We would not want to rely on the current connection for too long. The source is trying to cut me off!"

"Full speed, let's go!" said Neno, grabbing a burger out of his microwave. "Apprehension of someone tampering with a warp gate and Wi-Fi-,"

"Oh yeah, there's a bonus for that," said Foe, cracking up and petting Droidio on the head.

"They'll make wasimo cards in our name!" said Ricutsu, jumping back to his seat and confirming the flight path.

The three were at max speed and were gaining on the warp gate. Ricutsu, was day dreaming about his wasimo gold trim card. Neno, was chomping away at his burger. Foe, was trying text his secret new girlfriend to no avail. Droidio was in a code war with the warp gate. Ten more minutes passed.

"Is it me or should we have reached it like a while ago?" said Ricutsu, checking his link watch and the signal was better but still not normal.

"Yea something is up," said Neno, "I was able to finish a whole burger, and not a mini one, a double stack Empire Burger.

"Droidio, what's the status on that warp gate?" asked Foe, checking his link tablet.

"It appears the warp gate is on the run," said Droidio.

Space Space : Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now