Space Space Vol. 1.4

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The team gathered themselves, and walked over the piles of droids they defeated. Through the windows they peaked to the outside of the ship. No help was on the way. The wreckage in space was still, and daunting. Luckily, they were not in the sights of where Eastwood and Jebberdine exploded.

Upon reaching the doors Foe did one last scan. There was one human in the command center. Putting up a shield with what little power he had left in his gauntlet, Neno, led the team through. The energy shield lit the way in the dark and cold room. Neno's blast took out a droid replicator machine so no more droids were going to attack them. Lights above them flickered on. Ricutsu dodge rolled next to Neno, and let a kung fu cry. Foe quickly crouched behind Neno and tossed Droidio above them. Neno aimed his free arm gauntlet at a figure hiding behind a chair.

"Hands up! We have the place surrounded, come on out and surrender," said Neno, slowly moving forward examining the room as the rest of the lights turned on. "Ricu why don't you get behind the shield? You know, where it's safe."

"Hey, I'm swordless, but not punchless," said Ricutsu. He too looked around and crept forward with Neno.

"What are you gonna do punch through a droid's chest with hopes and dreams?" joked Neno.

"I'll have you know; I did that once. Getting your hand out of a droid is the tricky part," said Ricutsu. "My sensei calls it droid fu. A lost art only taught to worthy space borns."

"Right, right. Do you two plan on talking all day or getting to work?" said Foe.

Behind the chair, the voice that had threatened them spoke, as a blaster pointed at them from the side. "How you three idiots made it here, will forever baffle me. Put your weapons down, leave your droid bot, and as simple as that, no one gets hurt."

The blaster was fidgety and to Ricutsu's trained eye, the one holding it was untrained and panicking. With a tap on his link watch, he sprinted forward, slid passed the chair, and with a rising spin kick the blaster was knocked out of their hands. Droidio flew in and scooped up the blaster midair. Ricutsu continued his takedown and punched the enemy in the stomach. Once they fell forward, he grabbed them from behind, and tossed them over his shoulder. With a loud thud, the enemy was on their back and growling in pain.

"Hey buddy!" said Neno, his big brother annoyed voice kicking in. "Stop doing your solo heroic moves because one day it could be your last. We work as a team."

"If a solo heroic move is my last move-," said Ricutsu, but he was cut off quick and dry.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence," said Foe, walking over to Droidio and retrieving the blaster. "We go back a long way, and we made it here to this point working together."

"Your right, but I've been trained in things like this," said Ricutsu. "Just trust me like I trust you guys."

"We care more about you than a mission," said Foe. "I couldn't care less about the money right now, or even bonus matter of fact."

The tree friends nodded embracing their brotherhood only to be interrupted by "Oh please get a room," said the enemy, who was hunched over on the floor. She stood up, and Neno aimed his gauntlets at her. She wore a dark green Grand Rocher uniform and with all the medals and strips on here uniform she really did look to be a decorated captain. She had short black hair with a purple stripe on right side. Her dark golden eyes met with Ricutsu, and that was his que.

"On Space Santa's hat, I'am so sorry. I admit that punch had a lot of hate and withheld childhood trauma," said Ricutsu, removing his helmet. He went to help her up but Foe stopped him.

"Easy there! We gotta scan her," said Foe, scanning her from afar, and nodding to Droidio. "On top of that, we can't legally arrest her unless she has fired upon us or now admits she's Grand Rocher. We can certainly hold her here though."

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