36. Sunday Brunch

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The shrill sound of the doorbell ringing woke me up the next day.

My body shooting straight up as if it was a spring even before my eyes were opened.

A groan slipped out involuntarily as I bent forward, stretching my body.

ding dong

ding dong

ding dong

Whoever it was at the door, they sure weren't letting up with the incessant ringing.

My eyes narrowed into a glare, I glance at the digital clock that set on my dresser.

My eyes widened in horror when it read 10:25.

Instantly I got up off the bed as I let out a loud "Shit" that probably echoed all around the house.

How the hell did I oversleep?

Even though it was a Sunday, it still didn't sit well for me that I had overslept. Especially when I was sleeping in someone else's house.

Someone like Ethan Clarke.

Even though my opinion of him had slowly started to change, there was still this feeling that I couldn't quite shake off.


ding dong

ding dong

ding dong

The ceaseless doorbell ringing pulled me out of the reverie that I had drifted into and  had me out of my room and down the stairs in a minute as I ran to the door.

With my luck, it would be Diana at the door and I was about to get the telling off of a lifetime for leaving her waiting.

Only when I passed the full body mirror that hung by the entryway did I stop short.

If there was to be any picture of someone that was not a morning person, I would've probably been the prime candidate.

My five year old sweatpants ended three inches above my ankles given how much I'd grown since I first got it. Pair that with the huge  t-shirt that was torn in places that would leave people wondering how they were possible, I was starkly out of place with the huge luxurious mansion that I currently lived in.

My hair had mostly escaped the lazy bun that I had put it in before going back to bed last night. It now resembled a bird's nest more than most birds nest I've seen.

I hastily attmepted to fix my appearance. Knowing Diana, my appearance would only make things worse. Worse than that already were.

After fixing my hair and adjustung my clothes, I went to open the door, hoping that I at least looked presentable for someone who had just woken up.

I paused in confusion as my eyes settled on the people that waited on the other side. Relief soon followed given that Diana was nowhere in sight.


Next to him stood Julie and James.

It somewhat didn't surprise me that Julian was the one that had his finger firmly planned on the doorbell. He seemed to have an obsession with ringing doorbell and he was so oblivious to how it affected whoever was on the other side.

My eyes quickly took in there appearance and I played the ground would open up and swallow ne into its dark depths.

They were all well-dressed.

Julie wore a pastel peach colored chiffon  top with a lace shirt that was a shade lighter. Her platinum blonde curls were pulled back into a a bun.

The two men beside her were equally as presentable with James spotting a peach turtleneck with black wool trousers while Julian wore a light blue shirt that was half unbuttoned with a pair of white pants.

Bittersweet Expectations (Hate at First Flight #0.5)Where stories live. Discover now