14. The Conspiracies of the Universe

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After what felt like forever of me sitting by the kitchen counter, my mind swallowed up with thoughts of Ethan Clarke and the perplexity that he was, I headed to the library where I knew I would be spending the better half of my day in.

The scent of old books, coffee and a pleasant and woody smell greeted me as I made my way towards the closest bookshelf that reached up to the ceiling. I estimated that there were hundreds of books on only this bookshelf.

My fingers traced the books, a smile on my face as I just enjoyed the feeling of having nothing else to do the entire day but drown myself in a world of words.

I had been a bookworm ever since I picked up a copy of those Rainbow Magic books that I found to be pretty when I was six. A light chuckle escaped me as I remembered the hoe obsessed I was with those books. I could even remember the names of the fairies from the first collection.

I remembered staying up until mom had to walk into my room and take the books away. I still had it somewhere back at home in storage.

Reading to me was what some people found alcohol to be. An escape.

It took me to places that I felt I didn't have to face all the problems I had to deal with in reality. It took me to a place in my imagination where I can be someone else, something else, or anything I wanted to be.

A huntress, an heiress, a femme fatale or even someone that had someone that loved her no matter what.

When the accident with my parents happened, once I went through the process of grief, I found solace in books. To me, they offered more comfort then words from people that seemed almost halfhearted to me at the time. The books that I escaped to seemed to help build me back up and at the end, I felt more confident to face the world.

I stopped perusing the books when I spotted a book I had been meaning to read but never got the chance to.

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.

It was about a young shepherd in his journey to the pyramids of Egypt, after having a recurring dream of finding a treasure there.

I felt as giddy as a kid in a candy shop. My eyes wandered on the shelf and found some books by the Bronte sisters that I have yet to read. Just as I moved to pick it up, someone broke the silence.

"When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it." 

My hand dropped to my side and I turned around, stopping short as I meet the eyes of someone I least expected.

"Julian?" I wasn't sure whether I was more surprised by seeing him or by the fact that he was standing so close that only a few steps separated us.

He towered over me, looking down at me from his great height that I had to step back to look at him properly.

His eyes lit up at my words. "You remember me then?"

I nodded, brows furrowed by his comment. "I remember you being the drunk one of the two of us last night. I'm surprised you remember me."

"Of course I remember you," smiled widely, showing his teeth. "Even alcohol wouldn't make me forget you." He winked at me bringing a frown straight to my face as I crossed my hands across my chest.

The memory of Finn doing the exact same thing to me when we got partnered up for a research paper in my first year of college played in my head. I didn't like that he reminded me of Finn, but at the same time I was glad that it in a way served as a warning to me.

A warning that if I didn't want another Finn Hammond happening then I better put up walls around me.

"For someone who looked like he was going to be in bed the entire morning, I 'm amazed you're up early," I said in hopes of breaking through the awkwardness that had settled into the room.

Bittersweet Expectations (Hate at First Flight #0.5)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя