9. Mr. X

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So lost in thought and still in shock from scene with Ethan Clarke, I didn't notice Diana until she stepped out of the shadows and straight in my path, blocking my way; her stance unmovable and stern.

"Diana!" I exclaimed out in fright as I stared at the intimidating figure that would have Wolverine shrinking back in terror.

Diana Steelman had dark beady eyes; eyes; eyes that left behind a wave of dread with each stare. Her face was razor sharp and the way her ash brown hair was styled, pulled back in a tight bun, only helped accentuate her pointed features.

She wore a scowl as if she'd just walked in on a dog taking a dump on a ten thousand dollar sofa. Her arms folded across her chest, she exuded a vibe that mafe me seriously contemplate turning back around and running back to the devil that occupied Building X.

"Have you finished with your chores?" her voice was direct and formal.

I looked up to look into her eyes and immediately shrank back befors I mustered up a shaky, "Mr Clarke excused me."

"Did he now?" Diana's face held suspicion.

I nodded despite the need to tell her how he had been rude to someone who was just trying to help him. However I knew that it would be wrong for me to say that.

For one, I wasn't about to go off and tattle on someone, especially just because I got chased out. Two, I didn't want to give Ethan Clarke the satisfaction of knowing that his actions had unnerved and even scared me and lastly, I had a suspicion that no matter what I said about Ethan Clarke, Diana would still say that I was in the wrong and that I shouldn't treat the Clarkes that way. If anything I would walk out of that conversation getting reprimanded.

"Fine then. Go and help Gerard in the kitchen for now before dinner to make up for the hours left in your shift." She eyed me up and down.

I self-consciously reached for my hair, patting it down and tucking away any strands of hair that might have strayed. I must've looked like a wreck after hours of dusting, cleaning and washing and I didn't exactly have the chance to check if I at least looked presentable while I was being chased out.

"Clean up before that," Diana said in her usual curt manner before walking off.

I was just about to give a snide remark about Ethan Clarke when Diana's footsteps halted and she turned back around. "Oh and Ms Bishop."


"Next time, make sure not to provoke the Master of Building X," she said expressionless with an equally expressionless face. With just that, Diana turned around and left me wondering how she knew.


"I'm sorry I'm late," I said to Susan, the administrator in charge of the phone. She was in her late twenties and had been doing volunteer work ever since she graduated from college.

Since I started working here two days ago, Susan had been helping me know more about things about volunteering that weren't available online.

"Trouble getting off work?" she asked, a look of understanding crossed her face as she fumbled around the stacks of documents on her desk before handing me the sign in form.

I logged in as I tried to explain the situation. "There was an incident in the kitchen and I thought it would be rude if I just hightailed it out of there without helping clean up the mess."

Bittersweet Expectations (Hate at First Flight #0.5)Where stories live. Discover now