42. You're Losing Me

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I wanted her to do what I couldn't.

I wanted her to do what I couldn't.

Those words replayed over and over in my mind, following me into my dreams, haunting me.

I wanted her to do what I couldn't.

What did he mean by those words?

A part of me understood what he meant, or it partially did.

A part of me hesitated to think he meant what I thought he did, because I was scared to dwell on those thoughts.

And a part me was still confused.

When? Why? How? 

A series of questions plagued my mind, Ethan Clarke haunting me in my dreams as he watched me so intensely with the same eyes that he had earlier.

My alarm going off had me groaning as I turned and fumbled around for my phone to shut it off.

My body felt heavy, as if I hadn't gotten a wink of sleep the night before. Trying to sit myself upright was a challenge that took me a while to complete.

Prying my exhausted eyes open, I rub the sleep our of my eyes.

My phone rang drawing my attention towards it.

The screen glowed with a picture of Leah as she called.

I hastily reach to answer it. "Hh-hel-l-o."

A laugh greeted me. "You just woke up, didn't you?"

I groaned in reply.

"Well, hurry up and get ready. I'll be there in half an hour to pick you up."

The fog in my brain slightly cleared up. "What for?"

Another laugh followed. "We're going to grab food to eat before we go shopping."


Leah laughed again. "I'll let you get ready. See you in 30," before she hung up.

Shopping. Right.

I was going shopping today with Leah.

For tomorrow.

Tomorrow. Friday.

I was going to meet Mr. X tomorrow.

The sound of my heart beating suddenly thundered in my ears at the thought of it.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

Glancing at the time on my phone, my eyes widened as I saw the time.

It was already past eight.

I had slept through my alarms.

I was about to rush out of my room when I realized that I had already informed Ethan that I would be taking the day off today. Whether he accepted it or not, I was taking a day off.

Not that I had much of a choice too.

Leah was going to be here soon and I knew she would drag me even if I looked unkempt and like I had just gotten dragged out of my bed, which she would do if I stayed sitting there.

I got up off my bed and stretched, hoping that would help alleviate the exhaustion that settled on my body.

It helped as much as a drop of rain would in filling an Olympic sized swimming pool. I inhaled deeply and exhaled to get some oxygen in before I headed to shower and freshen up.

It took ten minutes to get ready before I headed downstairs. The shower had helped wake me up and I was eighty percent ready to face the world.

Knowing that Ethan Clarke had most probably left for work, my phone was playing one of Taylor Swift's vault songs as I sang along. It had been on my playlist for the past month.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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