27. When A Good-Looking Guy Calls You Beautiful, Run

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I studied Julian as his words hung in the atmosphere.

He had gotten up from his seat and was standing a few feet away from me, studying me. Instead of bursting out with an 'I got you!' or a laugh, Julian gave me a hopeful smile as he waited for me to say something.

I pressed my lips tightly together as I tried to make sense of his words.

Did he just ask me to go on a date with him? And if he did, why?

Julian gave a light nervous laugh, breaking the silence that had descended in the room. "This is usually where you say yes or no." He rubbed the back of his neck as if he was embarrassed, drawing attention to his toned abs as the muscles contracted with every single movement.

I cleared my throat slightly, more to keep my attention from staring at his body and back to the situation at hand.

"You're... serious?" I asked, unsurety in my tone of voice.

He nodded instantly. "Very."

"Why?" I asked the question that had been resounding in my mine since he had spoken.

He smiled at me, as if he understood my confusion. "Why not? I need a date and you're the perfect candidate for it."

I furrowed my brows together as I tried to make sense of what train of thought he had followed that held led him to the conclusion of me being the perfect candidate for his date. "We don't know each other that well."

He shrugged. "And we'll use this opportunity as a chance to get to know one another better." He shot me a mega smile that most probably had left ladies falling at his feet. "Besides, this is not really a date date."

My confusion deepened at his words. "Then what is it?"

"There's a charity fundraiser happening this Friday," he began. "Usually I have my sister with me as my plus one, but this time she's going with someone else and I don't have a plus one."

I nodded as it all began to fall in place, except for one thing. "But why me?"

"Even though we don't know each other that well, you seem like a great person and you're not a gold digger which in my books is a major plus. And," he winked playfully, "you're beautiful."

Even though I knew he didn't put much meaning into his words, I still blushed. After all, when a good-looking guy tells you you're beautiful, how else would you react?

Especially when that man was shirtless and knew the effect he had on the opposite sex.

"I don't know," I replied honestly, my eyes resting on the view of the backyard, mulling over his proposal.

Julian's smile didn't fade at all. "Please help me out. Don't leave me at the mercy of all the money hungry girls that would be attending the fundraiser." His expression morphed into one that would be classified as a puppy dog look. His green eyes huge orbs that begged for one's approval.

"Isn't there a better option?"

He shook his head. "None. You're the only one I could think of."

I studied him as I weighed my options.

I had never been to a fundraiser before.

Finn had never taken me along with him as his plus one to the ones he attended, saying how he was worried that we'd run into his parents or claiming that it would be a boring one filled with billionaires that didn't know where to spend their money.

Bittersweet Expectations (Hate at First Flight #0.5)Where stories live. Discover now