12. Julian Van Dyke

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I took a deep breath as I contemplated what to do with the scene unfolding in front of me.

Ethan Clarke was unconscious, his usually kept and polished exterior was gone.

His hair was a mess as if he'd been pulling at it through the entire night, his tie was hanging loose around his neck and the first three buttons of his shirt was open to reveal a toned chest. His eyes were tightly shut as he hung on for dear life around the neck of his companion with one arm.

I was surprised to see that gravity hadn't worked yet and that they both still managed to remain upright.

His companion was pressing nonstop on the doorbell with an almost whimsical smile as if he enjoyed it and was pressing on it now because he enjoyed the sounds that came out of it more than to get the attention of anyone.

He easily towered over me with six inches to spare. His brows were hooded over his eyes in concentration as if he was solving a code that no one in the history of mankind had mastered yet. With a sharp jawline and an angular face, I could see that he had the looks that would leave anyone feeling flustered. His dark hair was brushed to one side as if he'd been lying on it for so long. I didn't know if it was from the lightning, but he had an olive complexion that made him look foreign.

"Stop that!" I snapped at him, realizing that he was making enough noise to wake everyone in the house. I pulled tightly at my silk drape as the cold of the night seeped into my skin and elicited a shiver from me. If only I had had the foresight to grab something warmer.

"Finally... someone's here," the man drawled lazily with an almost sad tone as if I had taken the fun out of things. "Ethan, bro. Someone's here!" The man started to shake Ethan Clarke, who just groaned and refused go wake up.

Alcohol reeked from both off them.

"What happened?" I asked, directing my question at the stranger that seemed to have forgotten all about me in his attempt to wake up Ethan Clarke.

"Just another bachelor night out," he replied as he continued to shake his friend. "Ethan here had a bit too much to drink as you can see. He really can't handle his liquor, but today he drank like there was no tomorrow. Poor man, really."

I nodded as I stepped outside, deciding to bring my boss inside. If I was to get any rest tonight, I might as well do this and get it over and done with.

I grabbed Ethan Clarke's other arm and wrapped it around my shoulders. "Can you help me get him inside please?" I asked as I tried to get Ethan upright.

The stranger nodded at me before he stood upright too and wrap one arm around Ethan's waist.

Finally we managed to get the unconscious man upright enough and maneuvered him into the house. Halfway there, Ethan groaned again and moved, still unconscious. Before I realized what was happening, he shifted and suddenly his head was resting on my shoulder, which meant his body weight was mostly on me then on the other guy.

Then he made it worse when he burped and gave me a breath full of beer breath. I drygagged as I turned my head away. "Mr Clarke."

"Now now, Ethan," his friend said as he chuckled heavily, before grabbing Ethan's head and putting it on his shoulder instead. "That's not a very gentlemanly thing to do, now is it mate. Where do you want this old chap at?"

I shot him a grateful smile before I nodded towards the couch in the living room.

"Alrighty then, c'mon Ethan help us out here, bro. Right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot," the guy continued as if he expected Ethan to follow trhough. Of course Ethan was still unconscious and very unhelpful. We dragged him there with no help at all.

Bittersweet Expectations (Hate at First Flight #0.5)Where stories live. Discover now