Part 1: In Which We Meet Sylvie

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Sylvie threw her mail onto her duvet, then she flopped next to it on her stomach. She groaned and rolled over to sort through the envelopes and magazines. There was the normal correspondences from her many cousins, a letter from her mother, this week's issue of Witch Weekly, a letter from Wednesday, and a second letter from her mother.

Sylvie found it unusual that her mother would write two letters to her in one week. She grabbed both letters and walked to her writing desk.

Sylvie sat down and used her letter opener to cut open the first envelope. She scanned her mother's impeccable handwriting. It was just the usual information on the North American branch of the family business and updates on how her siblings and father were.

She folded the letter back up and put it to the side. Sylvie quickly grabbed the other letter and noticed her mother's handwriting seemed rushed on the address. Her brow furrowed, had something happened that she needed to know about urgently?

Sylvie silently cursed her negligence in picking up her mail from her house matron. She cut the envelope and pulled the letter from its confines.

It read:
Ma chérie,
I hope this letter finds you well. During our weekly lunch, Morticia Addams has informed me that Wednesday will be transferring to Nevermore. We have requested that you two dorm together, and they have denied our request. Principal Weems has told us she cannot let Wednesday live in leadership house without being elected to a leadership role, but your father suspects it is partly due to the multiple incidents at Lilith Academy when you lived there together. She will be arriving next week, and Principal Weems and I have arranged that you will be showing her around the school with her dorm-mate. Please try to keep Wednesday out of trouble.

Your ever-loving mother

Sylvie had known that Wednesday hated her new school and that she held "the greatest contempt" for some boys that had been bullying Pugsley but nothing about her leaving that school. She knew for a fact that Wednesday didn't want to go to Nevermore because of her parents legacy.

She went back to her bed to get her other mail. She tore open the envelope from Wednesday. It was just the usual stuff about how she hated her school and thought the kids there were "duller than a plastic butter knife," ideas for her book, how she tortured Pugsley this week, and discussion of last week's Witch Weekly's torture pages. Not one mention of her transfer to Nevermore.

Sylvie sighed and tossed Wednesday's letter and the rest of her unopened mail on her desk.

Archery Club had run late again after a long day full of classes such as practical magic, advanced Latin, sacred geometry, divination, and potions.

Sylvie slept like the dead that night.

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