Part 7: In Which Sylvie Talks to Many Friends and Tyler

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"Morning roomie!"

Sylvie woke with a start. She turned to face the voice falling out of the bed, tangled in Wednesday's blankets.

"Oh my gosh, Sylvie," Enid said at the same time as Sylvie said, "Thing help a girl out."

Enid looked at the hand struggling to unwrap the girl from her blanket restraints.

"Here, this looks like a job for three hands," she said helping to untangle the silver haired girl.

"How did you do this?" Enid asked struggling.

"I didn't. Wednesday always wraps me up really tightly when she gets out of bed in the morning. She wakes up disgustingly early."

"Oh believe me, I know," Enid said finally freeing the girl with Thing's help. "Where is she anyway?"

"She'll have left a note," Sylvie said now making the bed. "Check the desk."

Sylvie continued making the bed knowing Wednesday was meticulous with the sort of thing. As she finished up Enid finally freed the paper from the typewriter.

She began reading then paused to say, "Aww. She called you dearest."

"She always calls me dearest when she writes to me," Sylvie said tidying the room and her things to take back to her dorm.

"That's so cute! How long have you two been together?"

"Since her birth," Sylvie said continuing to collect her things as Enid turned to look at her. "I was born a couple weeks before her on the full moon."

"We haven't always been together physically of course, but we've held correspondences whenever we're apart since we began learning to read and write. I mean we've been in separate schools since that poor teacher died. It helps that the Addams are old family friends."

"I... you... her... since birth... what happened to your teacher?" Enid finally asked.

"Oh. It was naïve of us but how we're we, as first graders, supposed to know that cyanide was made with almonds."

"Never mind," Enid said shaking her head, "so you're not dating Wednesday?"

"Of course not, we're just close childhood friends."

"You slept in the same bed and it doesn't seem like the first time either," Enid protested.

"Friends have sleepovers. You slept over at Yoko's dorm last night."

"Not in the same twin bed! Do you guys cuddle?"

"No. I just move around a lot in my sleep and Wednesday holds me still," Sylvie explained.

Enid took a deep breath in then sighed. She handed Sylvie Wednesday's note.

"I gotta get ready for Poe Cup prep," Enid said walking away.

"No problem. I'm going back to my dorm now anyway. Come along, Thing" Sylvie said before walking out the door with her stuff.

After the door was closed Enid dramatically flopped on her bed and said, "how do they not know they're practically dating?"

Sylvie decided to meet Wednesday after her therapy session so they could grab drinks and walk back to campus together.

She wore her black uniform pants with her white uniform shirt untucked and unbuttoned at the top. Purple tie loosened. She threw her archery team jacket over her shoulders.

She took the walk to Jericho slowly stopping to chat with the raccoons she knew. They weren't normally up at this time of day but something was spooking them. They couldn't tell her what it was but they said it was bigger than a grizzly or a werewolf and had big eyes. Sylvie did her best to comfort them giving them carrots and apple slices.

She still had extra time before Wednesday's therapy was scheduled to end so she went to the Weathervane and got Wednesday her quad and an unsweetened oat milk matcha latte for herself.

Sylvie was still early so she sat on the step of the office of Wednesday's therapist and fed some pigeons birdseed from a pouch of seeds she kept.

She was talking to a pigeon when Wednesday walked out of the office. She stood moving the pigeon to her shoulder.

"I got you a quad."

"Thank you," the goth girl replied taking the offered to-go cup.

Sylvie took a sip from the cup in her hand and spluttered, startling her new winged friend.

"Wrong cup," she choked out, "how do you drink this? It's so bitter."

Wednesday took a sip from Sylvie's cup and wrinkled her nose in distaste. "How do you drink this? It's too sweet."

They traded cups so each girl had her drink of choice.

"Mon corbeau, normal people think my tea is bitter."

Before she could continue Tyler came up to them and tried to strike up a conversation.

"Guess you decided to stick around Jericho. Wait, you see Dr. Kinbott too?"

"Only because she's legally required to," the silver haired girl interjected.

The girls started to walk away but the boy followed like a lost puppy.

"Uh, me too. Court ordered," he said to Wednesday. Then he turned to Sylvie. "What about you?"

"Never been caught," she replied nonchalantly.

"Look at us. A group of teenage tearaways."

The girls finished crossing the street, the boy still following, so they turned to look at him.

"Why do you have that flying rat with you?" He attempted a joke directed at Sylvie and her feathered friend.

"I'll have you know that pigeons are very clean and sweet birds!"

"Hey, I'm just looking out for your jacket. They're poop machines. What if it poops on you?"

"She wouldn't do that to me. She knows better, and at least she wouldn't put her foot in her mouth."

And with that she turned and walked away, cooing to the offended bird.

The boy turned to Wednesday and before Sylvie was out of earshot said, "did I ruffle your friend's feathers?"

The black haired girl said, "Your attempt at a joke failed. Now get to the point."

A few minutes later, Wednesday caught up with Sylvie. They walked for awhile in silence.

When they were half way back to campus, Sylvie asked, "So what were you and that idiot normie talking about?"

"Last night's attack."

"Oh yeah. I think I figured something out."

"What?" Wednesday asked.

"The thing that attacked Rowan, was it bigger than a werewolf with huge eyes?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"A lot of the forest animals have been spooked by it. It killed those hunters and quite a few deer."

"I knew it."

Sylvie stopped walking.

"Wednesday, why didn't you tell me Rowan attacked you?" Sylvie asked her friend.

Wednesday stopped and turned to her friend and tugged on her braid. "I didn't want to bother you with it."

"You never bother me," Sylvie replied earnestly.

"How did you know that he attacked me?"

"A little birdie told me," Sylvie replied rubbing the pigeon on her shoulder with a finger. "Why did you follow him anyway? Did you get a vision or something?"

"I can't keep anything from you, can I?" Wednesday teased.


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